Chapter 13

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The whole benefit album has been consuming so much of our attention we all but forgot about the whole adoption process. Earlier today we got a phone call from the surrogate agency. I was so shocked and then so excited. I couldn't wait for Harry to get home from his lunch outing with a few friends from his secondary years.

I was watching out the window for Harry's car. The instant I saw it I was running out the door and jumped on Harry as he was getting out of the car. Thank goodness the car was there or I would have knocked him to the ground. I couldn't even speak at first because I was so overwhelmed with emotions and had tears in my eyes.

Harry put me down on my own feet and held my face in his hands and asked "Love has something happened you are kind of scaring me"

I slowly allowed a smile to spread across my face and started to kiss Harry all over is face. "We" kiss "are" kiss "going" kiss "to" kiss "have" kiss "a" kiss "baby" kiss.

Harry pulled me back so he can look into my eyes and then said "Are you serious and how are we having a baby"

"We got a call a couple hours ago from the surrogate agency to inform us they have us matched up with a surrogate. We have to go tomorrow morning to met up with her at the agency and then need to pick a donor egg". I was jumping up and down by the end. I just couldn't control my emotions.

We made our way into the house and we decided to call our families to inform them of our news. Both of our mothers were so overwhelmed they were both in tears of the joyous news.

We spent the remainder of the night snuggled up on the sofa and talked about our future family.

The next morning we met up with our surrogate named Megan. We found out she was married and had two of her own children. She got into being a surrogate after she was one for her brother and sister in-law. She felt so completely rewarded for making their wishes come true she wanted to do the same for others. It was also a way she could be a stay at home mum for her own children.

We wanted to make sure she was comfortable for doing this for a same sex couple. Megan was very open to the idea of helping anyone who cannot have their own children and feels like we would be wonderful parents. We ended up going to lunch together so we can get to know each other even better.

After talking for a few hours we returned to the agency to sign the appropriate paperwork to get the process moving. Megan would start with injections to get her ready to be implanted with an embryo. So Harry and I needed to pick out donor eggs and leave a deposit so to say. We decided to basically have our deposits mixed together. We really don't care who will be the biological father will be. The baby will be so loved no matter what.

Time has just been flying by. We have been so very busy with the benefit album and the whole surrogate thing. The album has been out for about two weeks now and has been selling even better then we were all hoping.

Harry's whole team has been working very hard to set up the concerts. They have managed to get all the venues for either free or at a very heavily reduced price. Everyone was so open to doing what ever they could to raise as much money as possible.  The response has been so overwhelming that there has been venues calling to donate the use of their facilities also.

The plan was to do a total of eight concerts. Six in the UK and two in Ireland. Everything is moving along super quickly and the concerts are slated to start in just seven weeks. So needless to say I am so fucking nervous. I mean playing guitar and a few back up vocals is one thing, but I have solo parts on every song. The thing I am thankful for is that I will be doing this all with my husband and all the kids it will help.

Harry could tell that I was somewhat starting to freak out about the concerts. He is always so tuned into my emotions it is almost scary. It has been a while since we spent much time at any of the area orphanages so he decided we needed to visit. That did the trick to calm me down. We spent a few hours almost everyday leading up to the first concert at them. Being around the kids just seems to really calm my nerves.

Harry keeps telling me that I was meant to be a dad. He claims that I just seem to light up when I am with them. The thing is he seems to be the same as I am around the kids also. He is so good and patient with them. It warms my heart knowing that we will soon have a little one of our own.

Well soon is relative since our surrogate was only implanted two weeks ago. We will have to wait for a bit longer to know for sure if it took a hold so to say. However early blood tests are looking good. Megan has reassured us she is in this for the long haul with us. So just knowing she will be willing to do the process as many times as needed has really allowed Harry and I relax and really experience the whole process. Did I mention that Megan allowed us in the room with her during the implantation also.

Everything is just like a whirlwind right now. However it is a very good place to be because we are proceeding along with our lives the way we want to.


So here is another chapter. I felt like I was just blabbering in the last part of the chapter. However it is what it is. Hope you all enjoy it.

So what does everyone think of the new song coming our way from Niall next month. Looking forward to hearing Nice to Meet Ya. Also have you all heard the little snippet from his performance at Capital Congress of Put a Little Love on Me.

NH2 is almost here. Now we need to hear something about HS2.

Thanks to all of you lovely people for reading my story.

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