Chapter 14

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The concerts have flown by in such a blur really. We had completed all of our scheduled performances when management asked if we wanted to add one more. Wembley has offered us the venue for free. However the only date they have open is a month away. We decided we really couldn't pass it up. The amount of money it would raise couldn't be over looked.

Since we had a month to prepare Harry thought of a special performance we could do. He thought of having the kids at one of the local orphanages we visited regularly to sing a song with us. He checked with all those who would need to approve such a performance before he told the kids. As you may remember Harry had formed a choir with some of the kids and that is the group he wanted to sing at the concert with him.

We started spending all our free time at the orphanage. Harry worked with the choir and I once agin helped some kids learn the guitar. There was one little boy who really caught my attention. He was new since we started the benefit concerts. He was very shy and would always watch the other kids play the guitar. He would watch from the doorway but never speak or come into the room.

I find a pull to this shy little blonde boy. I asked one of the caretakers and learned his name is Noah. He was in a horrible accident with his parents. His parents did not make it and his only living relative is his grandma. However she is very ill herself and can not care for him. We I started sitting closer to the door and Noah slowly came inside the room. I decided to leave a guitar just inside the door and sure enough he started to mess with it some.

It has been about two weeks since I first laid eyes on sweet little Noah. He will finally come in and sit beside me but he still hasn't said a word.
Today once the other kids left the room I turned to him and stuck my hand out and said "Hello my name is Niall. Can you tell me your name?"

He looked at me with his sweet blue eyes and then looked at my hand and then down to his lap. I was about to give up on a reply when I heard him say softly "N Noah"  He was still looking down at his lap.

"Well that is a very special name for a very special boy Noah". I have now kneeled down in front of him. It was about snack time for the kids and I didn't want this interaction to end so I asked. "Noah, do you mind if I walk with you to get a snack. I am kind of hungry what about you."

Noah looked at me and nodded yes. So I stood up and so did he. I then decided to ask "Do you mind if I hold your hand? I don't want to get lost". I stuck my hand out and he once again looked at it but this time he reached out and took a hold of it. We walked in silence towards the snack area.

Noah and myself going to snack became a daily thing. He will now talk some with me but that only happens when we are alone. Harry has been having to come get me when he is finished on a daily basis now. Noah has started to spend the entire afternoon with me and his is really picking up the guitar very well for someone at the age of four.

Wow that month has absolutely flew by. We have been so wrapped up in the concerts and spending time at the orphanage I almost forgot we are meeting Megan at the doctors office today. We get to see the first picture of our baby today. They are doing a routine checkup on both Megan and our baby. I don't know if I will ever get used to those word "our baby".

We are all back in the room waiting to see the baby. Megan, Harry and myself are just chatting about what has been going on with the benefit concerts and the time we have been spending at the orphanage. Finally the doctor made it in so we can see our little bundle.

The doctor dimmed the lights a bit and then began moving the wand around on Megan's lower belly. The first thing we observed was the quick sounding wad wad wad sound. I had tears in my eyes and looking at Harry he did also.

The doctor said "the heartbeat is strong and there is your baby" as she pointed out a peanut shape on the screen.

I had tears streaming down my face at this point. I was holding Harry's hand and squeezed it tighter. Then with the other hand I was holding onto Megan's shoulder. I can't believe that in about 6 months we will have our little one in our arms.

We left the doctors office with five copies of the ultrasound picture

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We left the doctors office with five copies of the ultrasound picture. One for each Harry and myself. Then one for Anne, Gemma and my parents. I am pretty sure my feet haven't been on the ground since I heard that heartbeat. We have another appointment in a month but have made plans to meet Megan for lunch next week.

On the way home we stopped at the orphanage because Harry had one final rehearsal with his choir before tonight's final concert. I also wanted to visit with Noah.


We are about ready to take the stage for the final benefit concert. Harry has been with the choir since he was ready. I am not sure who was more nervous Harry or the kids. I have never seen him so wound up before a show. It is almost funny.

The concert was fantastic. The kids choir did an amazing job. They actually took my breath away. The crowd was in complete silence and the stadium was filled with just Harry's and the choirs voices. I am so glad this concert is being put on a video because I can't wait to watch Harry when he watches it.

These past few months have been amazing. The fact we were able to help so many kids make everything worth while. Of course the largest highlight was finding out we were going to be parents. Getting a shy little boy open up to me was another big highlight and I am looking forward to watching him grow more confident.


I don't know how many times I wrote this chapter and then delete only to start all over again. I really hope you all enjoy what I finally come up with.

Thanks to all who is reading this.

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