The Wedding

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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

 I was a bundle of nerves and I felt like I was gonna get sick. Aunt Cassie had gotten me up around 7 this morning and made me eat breakfast being I said I wasn't hungry. She was now driving me to the Cullen's house.

"Angel take a deep breathe."

"Oh Aunt Cassie I am so nervous. What if I embarrass myself? What if I embarrass Emmett?"

"Angel you will do fine. When you see Emmett at the end of that aisle you will forget everything else."



As we pulled up Alice was suddenly at the car door. "Alice?"

"You can't look." With that she put a blindfold over my eyes.

"Alice is this necessary."

"I don't want you to see anything."

With that she lead me upstairs were I heard Rosalie talking to Bella. As Alice removed my blindfold I smiled at Bella.

"Hi Bells."

"Hey Angel."

I looked her over and saw she had her makeup done and her hair was done. Alice pushed me into a chair and pulled my hair bow out of my hair.

"You will not wear such a ponytail for your wedding."


"No now hold still."

I sat there for almost an hour as she worked on my hair all the while staring at the table as my stomach twisted and turned. 

"There. A work of perfection."

I looked up at the mirror with a gasp. "Oh! Alice it's perfect." As I reached up to touch the art piece that was my hair when she smacked my hand away.

"No you'll mess it up."


"Wow. Alice it looks awesome."

I saw Bella walk in eating. I was about to ask her what was she eating when the smell of fish hit me. I blame my nerves for when the smell hit me my stomach rolled.

"Bella move!"

Alice's warning almost came to late for I slapped a hand over my mouth and sprinted from the room. Ducking into the nearest bathroom I emptied my stomach.


Carlisle knelt beside me as I heaved again. He placed a cold hand on the back of my neck at the base of my skull. The chill of his skin helped. As I sat up Esme  handed me a glass of water. I quickly rinsed my mouth.

"Are you okay Angel?"

I sighed sitting u. "Yeah it's just my nerves. Ask aunt Cassie she almost had to force me to eat breakfast."

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