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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

I groaned turning over in the bed hugging the pillow closer willing myself not to cry again. It had been a few days since I ran away from Emmett.


I looked up to see Penny walked in with a pate and a thermos. "Time to eat."

I groaned again, I tried not to eat an drank at first but I lost that battle against Emily,Emberly, and Penny. Sitting up I took the thermos quickly drinking the blood before eating the eggs.

After I as done I hugged my legs to my chest thinking back to when I got here.


I ran as fast as I could away from Emmett to the one place I knew he couldn't find me. As I entered the La Push boarders I tripped over a fallen tree before curling into a ball sobbing. Someone must have heard me because Seth soon came out.

"Angel!" He rushed to my side lifting me up. "What happened are you okay?" I could only sob as I wrapped my arms around Seth's neck almost in a death grip sobbing harder. He cradled me closer. "Don't worry."

Seth took me to Sam and Emily's place calling out. "Sam!" Most of the pack and the girls walked out.


Penny and Emberly were the first to get to me followed by Sam and Emily. Sam looked me over. "What happened?"

Seth shifted me in his arms holding me closer. "I don't know. I found her curled up on the ground crying."

Penny looked me over before looking up. "Take her inside Seth we'll handle her. Everyone else you need to go. This is a girl talk."

"What about Seth?"

"He's gone as soon as he sits her down."

Everything was a blue and next thing I knew I was in the spare bedroom and the girls had me changed into a clean pair of pajamas. I laid curled into a ball as the girls gathered around me. Luna came into the room.

"Okay all the boys have left."

Penny pushed my hair out of my eyes. "Angel what happened?"

I just whimpered and crossed my arms over my stomach. Penny looked me over and noticing my actions. "Did you tell him?"

I shook my head no. She looked at the others then back at me. "Then what happened?"

I knew I could trust them. "Pack can't know."

Emily rubbed my back. "This doesn't leave this room."

I looked up at Penny. "I was gonna tell him but there was a problem when I got there..... Bella's pregnant."

The girls jaw dropped before Emily looked down. "What was the problem about a baby?"

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