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Carlisle P

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Carlisle P.O.V

I didn't need Jasper's gift to see the panic in Emmett's eyes as I tended to Angel. It worried me at what internal injuries she may have. Taking my bag from Esme I quickly gave Angel a shot of morphine hoping that it would help with her pain. I was worried about Bella in the next room as well. I wanted to go check on her but I knew my daughter and son needed me to help deliver her baby.

"Angel can you hear me?"

She groaned and nodded. I looked down setting my hands ready to receive the baby. I could see it moving under skin. It was so strange. I had delivered babies before but to see the baby moving in Angel was different.

"Carlisle please. I need to push.."

I went to work taking what I need to prepare her. Before I could do anything Angel cried out as I watched as her child began pushing it's way out. "Angel I know it's hard but I need you to push."

Emmett helped her as she leaned up with a groan and pushed. I was surprised that it took her all of three pushes before the baby was out enough I could get a hold on it. Esme gasped as I pulled the baby free.

"It's a girl!!" Me and Esme moved to the side cleaning the baby as Emmett stood with Angel.

"A little girl love. We have a daughter...."

I handed the baby to Esme moving to check on Angel when she screamed. Rushing to her side I looked her over to see what the problem way.

"Oh Lord!" I quickly got more supplies.

"What?" I didn't answer Emmett my mind running quickly. "Carlisle what is it?"

I finally turned. "She's about to deliver another."

Emmett P

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Emmett P.O.V

I could have fainted if possible when Carlisle said she was about to have another.... Two babies! I saw Esme cuddling my daughter as my attention went back to Angel holding her hand tightly as Carlisle went to woek.

"Emmett it hurts! " My heart broke at the pain in her voice.

"I am here love. I won't leave you side I promise."

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