What an end to the Night

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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

Following Emmett we sat at the table beside Bella and Edward. drinks ere handed out as people made their way to the stage to do their toasts. I smirked to Bella knowing her mother may do something a little embarrassing. 

I groaned as Drew stepped up to the microphone. "Is this on? Ummm, I'd like to propose a toast. To my new sisters. Bella, and Angel, I hope you've gotten enough sleep these last 18 years. 'Cause you won't be getting any more for a while."

As he laughed I glared and raised my voice. " Watch it big bro. I can still kick your ass." Everyone laughed 

As he moved away Jessica stepped up. I went to move when Emmett stopped me. "No."

"Emmett she will be a bitch."

"Just leave her Angel>"


Jessica smiled. "Well, Bella was just like everybody else, totally mesmerized by Edward. Or"the Hair as I call him. And then, suddenly, Edward is all about Bella. Even though she;s not the captain of the volleyball team." She laughed. "I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding. Or the president of the school council." She chuckled then looked at me." Then there was Angel. She became quick friends with Bella almost a sister but was a loner to everyone else. Apparently that was Emmett's type, even though she looked more like a boy with her clothes....... But this is to two happy couples. May you have a happy marriage especially when you add to it soon."

I glared attempting to get up again. Aunt Kayla seeing how angry I was walked up and whispered something to Jessica which made her leave the stage quickly.

I had to hide my growl when Mike stepped up. "I just want to say both Edward and Emmett are lucky. Bella is a cute girl with such  shy disposition there were many who crushed on her when she came to Forks. But apparently she didn't care for anyone else but Edward. As for Angel she had eyes only for Emmett. But I hope you guys have a nice life together.

As Mike left the stage I  looked at my aunts and uncles I mouth. "Get rid of them." They nodded before going to the back talking to Jessica and Mike before escorting them out.

Charlie was next up I smiled at Bella as he began. "Edward will be a good husband. I know this because I'm a cop. I know things. Like how to hunt somebody to the ends of the earth."Everyone laughed. "And I know how to use a gun." He then smiled to me. "An for Angel, she has became like family to me, a niece I love dearly." He glared at Emmett. "Even though I know she can handle herself it doesn't stop the fact I can and will defend her if she was ever hurt."Everyone laughed as they took a drink.

 Alice was next skipping to the stage and smiling. " Now that you're my sisters you'll have to get over your aversion to fashion. Skirts, Heels, handbags."

I chuckled and raised my fist in the air. "Never!" That had everyone laughing.

When Renee came to the stage I leaned my head on Emmett shoulder and zoned out a moment. I was suddenly feeling tired and figured it had something to do with just a long day.

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