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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

They were right as soon as I saw Emmett standing at the end of the aisle everything else left my mind. It was all I could do to walked with my uncle and dad were all I wanted to do was run down the aisle and into his arms. I could barely hear the music that slowed as Bella came to a stop at Edward's side. I smiled at Emmett as my uncle and dad stopped before putting my hand in his.

Emmett winked before whispering. "You look beautiful."

I smiled squeezing his hand before we turned to the minister. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of both Edward Cullen and Bella Swan and Emmett Cullen and Angel Wyatt... Please repeat after me."

I smiled up at Emmett as it came my turn to speak. "I, Angel Wyatt. Take you, Emmett Cullen. To have and to hold. For better or for worse. For richer, for poorer. In sickness and in health. To love. To cherish. As long as we both shall live." I smiled up at Emmett as he slid the ring onto my finger. "I do."


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The Minister looked at both of us and smiled. "Edward, Emmett you may now kiss the bride."

I smiled as Emmett wrapped his arms around my waist lifting me off the ground before his lips covered mine in a deep kiss. When he sat me back down we turned to everyone who stood and clapped.

The Minister smiled. "May I present both Mr. Mrs. Cullens."

As the audience applauded as we headed back toward the house and to the reception area. Emmett pulled me into his arms hugging me tight as we stood to the side.


"Beyond so." I leaned up and gave him a quick kiss before looking over and Angela and Ben. "I'll be right back."

I moved over toward then as I saw them with Jess and Mike looking at the cake.

Jess looked over the cake. "Just thought it'd be bigger.

Alice smirked at me as she walked up. "Hi Guys.

"Hi Alice."

Jess blushed. "We were just saying how pretty everything is, you know just saying."

Alice smiled. "You don't think it's too much?"

Eric shook his head. "No. Not at all."

I moved up narrowing my eyes at Jess and Mike. "You know you two can just leave if you are gonna cause trouble....." I looked toward Alice. "How were they invite anyway. I never liked them." I looked back toward them. " False friends and horrid people who think about their own person gain."

Suddenly strong arms wrapped me pulling me away. Drew's laughing filled my ears.

"Come on Mrs.Cullen your husband is looking for you."

He pulled me away from the two faced friends before leading me back over to Emmett. Once back with my husband he placed his arm around my shoulders pulling me close.

"What is going on?"

"oh nothing."

Emmett chuckled pulling me close kissing me before turning back to the guests. I smiled as I saw three blond women walk up along with a brunet and a handsome man. The handsome man moved forward.

"Emmett. Congratulations."

Emmett smiled before giving a manly hug to the man. "Eleazar thank you for showing up." He smiled down at me. "Angel meet our cousin from Alaska. This is Eleazar and his wife Carmen. An this is Kate, Tonya, and Irina."

I smiled toward them. "It is nice to met you."

Edward and Bella came up to stand at our side. "Irina maybe you should go have a seat and relax a little."

I frowned wondering why Edward's voice almost sounded like a command. Looking up I saw Irina staring at Billy and Seth.

"I can't do this."

Tonya looked over at her. "You promised."

Irina snarled. "They invited on."

Edward moved closer. "Irina, he's our friend."

"They killed Laurent."

It finally hit me what this was about. I glared at Irina and took a step forward ignoring both Edward and Emmett who grabbed at my arms to hold me back. The knew from experience what I can be like mad.

"Good. Because truth be told if they didn't kill him I would have myself. He tried to kill Bella."

She glared at me. "I don't believe that. He wanted to be like us. to live in peace with humans... With me."

I scoffed at that. "I doubt that sweetie. If he wanted to be with you so bad why is it he ran off the moment Victoria called. He didn't love you. He used you and you let him." 

She advanced on me ignoring her sisters. "You know nothing human. He was everything to me as I was to him."

I flexed mt fingers forcing my arm to stay relaxed. "He cared of only himself doning what he had to do to survive. As I said if the pack had not handled him I would have enjoyed tearing him apart myself."

She growled." How could you..." As she took a step forward I raised my hand stopping her and in that moment I had Jasper,Drew, Carlisle and Rose standing around me as I took a step toward Irina.

"Listen he blondie. I am not a normal human, I am Sekkari and a princess at that so you don't want to fuck with me.... An on another note you have a problem with the pack take it up with me because I am apart of the pack."

"Your not a dog."

"Oh but I am and I won't hesitate to shift and let you join your precious Laurant. If someone tried to hurt me or my family they will die. Laurant could have lived is he stayed away."

Carlisle placed a hand on my shoulder. "Angel there are a lot of people around. Let her down."

Listening to him I lowered my hand so she was standing on her own. Her sisters came forward and wrapped an arm around her. As Tonya walked off with her Kate turned to look at me.

"I agree with you..... If he really loved my sister he wouldn't have left her when another woman called. I knew he was playing her some why but she wouldn't listen."

I smiled to Kate. "That's okay. I'm sure we will do everything necessary to protect our family."

As she walked off Emmett lead me to the table with Bella and Edward smiling.


He laughed. "Nothing.... I'm just loving how much of a badass my wife it." That made me laugh.

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