Being her Rock!

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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

It had been a week since everyone found out about my pregnancy. There was mixed feelings going around. Bella was a little upset that I kept it a secret. Rose was excited with the idea of another baby coming in. Strange enough during the last week Emmett and Seth had been there for me every time I needed something.

After a few glasses of blood Bella was getting a little weight back. I know Edward still worried, but since he learned about me he has been better. But worried me more then anything is the animosity with the wolves of La Push. Everyone was starving and they couldn't leave to go hunt.

Looking down at my computer I bit my lip. Maybe there was a way for someone to bring blood here for the Cullen's. Pulling up my email I quickly emailed Dad and Uncle Matt.

Dad, Uncle Matt,

I need your help. You have been updated of the situation by Penny and it is getting worse. It has been weeks since anyone has feed. It is bad enough they have to be around when Bella and I have to drink blood. Is there anyway you guys can get some animal blood for them.  If you can you have to try and get to the house. The wolves of La Push have the property surrounded.

Please help the family.



Sending the email I closed the computer and moved away from the desk getting up with a groan. 


I started looking up to see Emmett standing at the door with a smirk. "You should have told me you wanted to move around." He moved closer his hands going to my now larger stomach. I groaned as I felt the baby moved against his hand.

"I just needed to move around. An it seems your child does to."

Emmett smirked before leaning down and kissing my stomach. He chuckled when there was a kick against his face. "It seems like our baby is a little sassy."

I chuckled as Emmett stood. "I'm getting hungry."

"Come on." He put his arms around me and lead me down to the kitchen.

Esme put a plate down in front of Bella then in front of me. "Hope you girls are hungry."


I sat beside Bella giving her a sideways hug before digging into my food. It took a few minutes before I was finished. Seeing Emmett talking with Edward and Carlisle I got up and went out to the porch and sat down with a sigh. Today was a little different, the sun was peeking through a little. With a sigh I closed my eyes and laid my head back letting the sun wash over me.

"Hi Angel."

I looked up and smiled at Seth and Jake. "Hi guys."

Jake smiled before heading inside Seth moved and sat at my side. "How are you and the little one."

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