The tables have turned

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Seth P

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Seth P.O.V


He rushed out to me as I carried Angel inside. "What happened?"

I was worried about what to say but figured I should tell the truth. "She left the secured area and some wolves knocked her down. She struck her head on a rock.

"Get her inside so I can look her over."

I saw the rest of the family watching and when Emmett when to move to take her from me I growled backing away causing everyone to look at me.

"Stay away from her." I moved to follow Carlisle up to the room he had set up as a miniature hospital. Sitting her down I moved so Carlisle could examine her but when I saw Emmett was about to walk in I moved to block the door.

"Move mutt."

I crossed my arm. "Why? So you can yell at her again! So you can make her cry again! She is one of the strongest females I know and you have reduced her to fear and tears. You have broken her more then I have ever seen her."

Emmett looked shock before backing away. Carlisle moved forward touching my shoulder. "Seth I understand you want to protect Angel but not only is she his mate but his wife. They will have to work this out."

I glared at Emmett. "I am staying till she is awake and when she said she wants to talk to him then I'll leave."

Emmett glared at me trying to tower over me, but something in me told me to stand ground like I had something to prove. I don't know why all of a sudden I have became s protective of Angel but something inside me said she was very important and I felt like it was my purpose to protect her.

"Why are you so interested in her protection pup? Why are you telling me when I am allowed to be with my wife.?

I just stared him down. "Because she is special and as of late you have treated her like shit. SO what she and Bella are having babies. I remember when my mom used to say how expected mothers can understand their unborn children. You guys and the pack suddenly think they are carrying monster an yet Bella and Angel think otherwise."

Emmett looked at Angel then back at me. "Your right. I have not been the best mate as of late." He placed his hand on my shoulder. "But I will be. Thank you for being there for her when I have not been."

I nodded and moved as he went over and sat at her side taking her hand in his bringing it to his lips. Seeing he wasn't gonna cause trouble I walked back out and outside my ears trained on the forest and upstairs.

 Seeing he wasn't gonna cause trouble I walked back out and outside my ears trained on the forest and upstairs

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