Blood and Reviel

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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

 It had been a week since I returned to the Cullen house and many things has changed. Me and Emmett has not been around each other much. I stayed with Bella mostly. That is when I could go without wanting to kill Edward. Anther thing is that Leah had joined Seth and Jake, though she didn't have much to do with the Cullen's she kept me company from time to time. As of late i had taken to wearing Emmett's hoodies to hid my ever growing stomach. So far no one knew about me and I was okay with that.

Right now me, Pen, and Em were down in the theater room so I could drink the thermos of blood without the others knowing. As I finished Pen got it cleaned as there was a knock on the door. I looked at the girls.

"If that's him I don't want to talk to him."

Em opened the door. "Oh Carlisle!"

"Can I talk to you girls."


As he walked in Em closed the door and opening a panel she put int a code and a metal whoosh. "What was that?"

Carlisle walked over to me sitting down before answering. "When we had the room build we installed a metal frame that can be retracted so anyone inside can be heard without the others. Even Edward's gift can't get through here."

I looked at the girls before looking at Carlisle. "Okay. So what do you want to talk about."

He sniffed before looking at me. "I want to know why I smell blood."

I froze as the girls tried to find an excuse when Carlisle held up his hand. "I recognized the smell as bagged blood not to mention I can see a drop of blood on your shirt Angel."

I looked down and there was a drop on my shirt. "Ummm."

"Angel?" I looked up into his black eyes " What is going on. Please tell me."

I sighed before pulling off Emmett's hoodie. Carlisle sucked in a deep breathe when he saw my extended stomach. "Your?"

"Yeah. I'm pregnant too."

"How long have you known?"

"I have know since Bella's phone call but after reviewing the symptoms I was pregnant before the wedding."

"But your not developing as quickly as Bella?"

"No. I guess because I am Sekkari and we are closer to vampires then humans."

"An the blood?"

"Well at the beginning I was not able to keep any food down and it was Aunt Cassie and Penny who discovered I had to drink blood every once in a while for the baby."

"You haven't told Emmett."

I began to cry an her wrapped his arms around me. "How can I tell him we are having a baby when he wants to get rid of Bella's." 

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