When You Meet Them

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Hope you guys enjoy!

Jeff The Killer:

I finished brushing my hair and teeth. I got out of the bathroom and went into bed.

A few minutes later I heard someone sneak into my room. I thought it was my cat, Whisket.

I stayed still until my covers was ripped from my body. Then I heard a raspy voice. "Shhh........ Go.. To.. Sle-"

I sat up and whacked the man in the head with my baseball bat.

"OW WHAT THE FUCK?!?" I gasped and stood up against the wall.

I took a look at him and saw that he had black jeans, a white hoodie, and a... carved... Smile....

"D-Don't kill me! Please!?" I panted as the man stood up.

"Heh..." As he said that. He jumped out the window and ran toward the woods.

I closed my window and locked it, I found a note on my bed drawer.

'Hehehe, See you soon... Y/n...

"So.. His name is Jeff.. Hmm." I went back to bed and slept.


"Uhmm... Y/n! S-Should we do this??" BF/N asked.

I scoffed.

"Of course we should! I mean.. Dont you wanna see the REAL Slenderman!?"

BF/N looked worried and shook her head.

"No... Y/n.. I love you. But you have gone TOO far. Im out. See ya"

She then walked away. Leaving me. 'Tch. What friend YOU are...' I turned around and.. Saw.. Slenderman.

THE Slenderman.

I yelped and fell backwards, covering my ears because of the static

He 'smiled' and disappeared. I opened my eyes and looked around... I gulped and ran outside the woods.

BEN Drowned:

I was walking around a yard sale and saw a game that caught my eye.

"Majora's Mask, huh?" I picked up the game and asked the person who owned it.

"Excuse me?" I asked the man.

"Huh? Oh hello young lady! What can I do for you?" He asked me politely.

"Hi! Uhmm.. I was wondering if I could have this?" I showed him the cartridge and he stayed silent.

He then smiled and nodded. "Why, yes you can!" I smiled and thanked the old man. "Thank you!"

I walked to my house and opened the door. I grabbed my controller and played Majora.

After a while, it started to glitch. I tilted my head and tried to reload my save file. It didn't work.

So I tried to shut off the game. It didn't work.

I sighed and screamed when I saw red text all over the screen saying, 'You shouldn't have done that...' or 'You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?'

I widened my eyes when I saw a hand come out of the T.V... I sat down on the edge of the couch and saw a boy who.. looks like Link.

"Uhmm... W-who are y-you?" I asked the boy. He turned to me and smiled calmly. "The names BEN... BEN drowned."

I nodded as he took my hand and kissed it.

I blushed a bit and he stood up. "Well, gotta go. See ya Y/n!" He waved and went back in the T.V

Ticci Toby:

I was going back home from a "Welcome Back!" party for my friend who just came back from New York.

I came across a creepy alleyway and saw a drunk man next to it. I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

Until he grabbed my arm and stood up. "Nnnoww.. Where d0 you think... you're... goin..~?" I scoffed and ripped my arm away.

I continued walking but the dude stood in front of me. "Look. Im NOT. im the mood to get raped. Now good. day!"

I shove him aside and ran to my house. Which was still a few minutes away.

He chased after me and I got cornered. "Hehhehe! Gotcha now!" He launched at me and I waited for impact.

But.. I felt nothing. I opened my eyes only to see him on the ground. With a axe in his head.

I gulped and looked at the man who saved me. He took a glance at me and ran away. "H-hey!!"

But he was already gone. I stayed silent and continued walking. Looking back once again.

Dark Link: Might be bit crappy

I was at the Dark Link fight and I just couldn't beat him! "UGH!!!!!" I fell back in frustration and sighed.

"I'll never beat Dark.... EVER!!" I sighed and staye in the postition I was in.

Until I heard a chuckle. I sat up abruptly and looked at the TV. Dark Link.... was.. LOOKING AT ME!!!

I jumped and stared in shock. Dark Link then walked past Link and went through the.. TV...

I widened my eyes a bit only to see Dark link in my living room. I stood up and stepped back a little.

He then looked at me with his blood red eyes. He then smirked. "Don't worry... You'll beat me someday..~"

Just then, he went back in and the TV shut off. I blinked and sat on thw couch. "..... What the hell just happened...?"

Eyeless Jack: This one might also be Crappy. Sorry

I went inside my covers and slept. It was peaceful at first until I felt pain on the area where my kidneys were.

I opened one eye and saw a hooded man with a blue mask one.

He must've seen me because he patched me up and whispere in my ear.

"My names Eyeless Jack... Don't worry..... Y/n.... I won't steal your kidneys... For now..."

Then... He left through the window. I sat up slowly not wanting to reopen my wound.

I looked outside my window and smiled. 'See ya soon... Eyeless Jack..' I then went back to sleep.

Any thoughts???

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