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Jeff The Killer:

I was by the window waiting for Jeff to come. We've been friends for 4 years now! Isn't that crazy?!

Anyway. He wanted to tell me something and I agreed.

He told me to wait by the window. As I'm doing right now. I heard a whistle and looked around.

I saw Jeff. I waved and he pointed to the back of him. He stood aside and there were words.

'Will You Go Out With Me?'

I gasped and jumped out the window. He freaked out and I landed on him, hugging him in the process of falling.

"Yes!!!" He grinned and hugged me back. I was tearing up and he wiped them away.

I laughed and let him in the the front door.


I was swinging on a tree branch and I accidently let go. I started to panic.

I shut my eyes closed waiting for the impact of the ground, but, I didn't feel anything.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Slender holding me with his tendrils.

He had sweat all over him. I giggled as he put me down gently.

"You really need to be careful! What if you died?!" I nervously chuckled. "Sorry Slender- Huh?"

I looked around and didn't see nor hear him anywhere! I scratched me head and stepped on a piece of paper.

I picked it up and it read,

"Go Out With Me?"

I blushed and yelled out. "YES!!!!!" He picked me up from behind.

I laughed and hugged him back. He 'smiled' and I smiled back.

BEN Drowned:

I was playing 'Ocarina Of Time 3D' until a CERTAIN SOMEONE had to pause the game and put out a box.

I groaned and read the words.

"Can I Ask You Something?"

Yes         No


"Will..... Will.... WILLYOUGOOUTWITHME?!?!?!"

Yes          No

I widened my eyes and immediately pressed 'Yes'

BEN then cam out of the T.V and tackle hugged me. I yelped and fell over.

I laughed and hugged him back.

Ticci Toby:

I was watching some Voltron and I was on the last episode.



Just then, I heard the doorbell. I groaned and stood up to get the door.

"What do you wan- Oh. Hey Toby."

He blushed and gave me a bouqet with a note with it. After that he ran away.

I was dumbfounded and opened the note.

'Will you be my waffle girlfriend?'

I smiled and giggled. I felt arms around me. "S-So is th-that a y-yes??" I nodded and hugged him back.

He only hugged me tighter.

Dark Link: I had fun writing this

I was next to Dark on the couch watching some reactors reactiong to BoTW trailer.

I laughed at their reactions because one of them yelled "YES!!! YES!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHH BOIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!"

I laughed even harder and fell off the couch, clutching my stomach. Dark looked at me with amusement and smiled.

He chuckled and threw me a peice of paper. It hit my head and I flinched. I galred at him and opened up the crumpled piece of paper.

'Dear Y/n, these past few years I have been experiencing some.. emotions...... What I'm trying to say is... Will you be my Zelda?'

Yes         No

I stared at the paper for a few moments. He looked at me worriedly. All of a sudden, I jumped on him tearing up.

"Hehe.. Sure.. I'll be your Zelda...!" He smiled and hugged me back.

"Thank Hylia...." I giggled and cuddled with him.

Eyeless Jack:

I was washing clothes and I felt someone behind me. I turned around and smacked them across the face.

I looked to see who it was and it.. was... Jack... I yelped.

"OH GOD IM SORRY JACK!!" He grunted and sat up rubbing his head.

"Im so sorry!!" I saw him look at me and gave me a box. He then stood uo and pat my head.

He then left and I opened a box. There was another box. I blinked and opened the smaller box.

There was another small box. I raised an eyebrow and opened the box. Inside was...  piece of paper.

I sighed and unfolded the paper. 'Will you be my girl?' I blushed and stood up.

I ran up to EJ and tackled him. "Yes..." He smiled behind his mask and hugged me back.

"Thank you.... Y/n..."

Hope y'all liked this chapter! K gtg bye!!!! STAY DETERMINED!!

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