Second Meeting

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Here ya go

Jeff The Killer:

Just as I was about to go in bed. My window opened.

I looked up and saw Jeff staring at me. I jumped up a bit and smacked him on the head.

"Oww... What the hell, Y/n!?" He glared at me. I rolled my eyes and apologized.

He sighed and sat on my bed. I stayed silent and looked at his features more.

He had black hair, a bloody hoodie, Black jeans, and black shoes. I sat on the opposite side.

Jeff started to ask me... personal.. Questions. Let's just leave it like that.


I started to walk in the woods trying to find Slenderman. Again...

I sighed and waited by a tree. I looked around and saw a... Marking?

I walked towards it and the tree had a circle with a X on it. I starte to hear slight static and turned around.

I yelped because Slender was there. "Hello, Y/n.." I stayed silent but waved.

~Few minutes later~

I giggled and punched Slender's arm lightly. I waved goodbye and left the woods.

BEN Drowned:

I was playing CoD until the game froze. I stayed silent, "BEN WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?"

Just as I shouted that, he came out of the TV, laughing.

I rolled my eyes and continued playing. With some glitches her and there cause of Ben.

Ticci Toby:

As I was walking home, I came across the alleyway where I met the man.

As I sighed, I turned around and saw him. I yelped and fell.

He jumped and helped me up.

"S-sorry... M-my name is T-ticci T-T-Toby."

I smiled and said, "I'm Y/n." I saw him smile behind his mouth guard an he wa polite enough to walk me home.

Dark Link:

I blinked and sighed. "You okay?" I turned my head and saw him sitting on the couch next to me.

"Why are you here?" He looked at me and smiled.

He pat my head and I sat up. He chuckled and continued to play with his sword.

Eyeless Jack:

I was waiting next to the window where Jack came from and suprisingly he came.

I smiled and greeted him. "Hey Jack!" He looked at me and nodded. "Not much of a talker???" He just shrugged and let me babble on and on.

Jack's POV-

She's... different.. hmm.. I might give her a chance.

Sorry if this was short. I have school. Stressed out!! Anyway. Tomorrow... (or more) is gonna be "Realizing his feelings" After this is "Realizing your feelings" anyway. Gtg. Bye... and Stay DETERMINED!

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