You/He dress(es) up like him/you (3rd person)

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Jeff The Killer:

Jeff was doing his usual killing spree (killing almost 50 people) and you had nothing to do.

Well... Not really. You walked to your closet and smiled. You grabbed Jeff's clean hoodie and your jeans.

You went to the bathroom to change and dyed your hair black.

You put some makeup on your face so that it looks like you carved a smile in your face.

By the time you finished your cosplay, Jeff walked in and put his knife in the sink.


"Coming!" You walked out the bathroom and looked at Jeff. Jeff stared at you and chuckled.

"Hehe.. You look damn fine for a female me."

You blushed and giggled. "Why, thank you." I came down the stairs and kissed him. "How was the spree?"

He shrugged and I narrowed my eyes. "You almost got caught didn't you?" He sighed and nodded. I rolled my eyes and pushed him to the room.

"Change so I can cuddle you!"

"Alright! Alright!!"


Slender had paperwork to do and so you were in Slender's room. It was big and had a lot of black..

You walked over to his closet and grabbed one of his jackets. You put it on and just then Slender walked in.

You turned around and greeted him. "Hi Slendy!" I grinned as Slender patted my head. "You look good... but its a bit too big for you."

I pouted and put it back on the hanger and hanged it back in the closet. "I'll have someone make you one?"

I gasped and nodded. "YES!!" He chuckled and nodded.

BEN Drowned:

Since you were the same height as BEN, you decided to get a beanie, dye it green, get a tunic, dye it green, get a torso belt and a regular belt off of a website.

Once everything got to the house, you grabbed all the things and went to the bathroom.

You changed in the outfit, and you looked like a female Link.

You hummed and drew red lines down your cheeks and grabbed colored contacts.

Now you looked like a female BEN. You giggled when BEN saw you. He smirked and kissed me.

I squealed and kissed back. He laughed and changed the hat. He took off the hat on me and put his hat on my head.

"Now it's perfect!!" I smiled and hugged him.

Ticci Toby:

You were out shopping for food and that made a perfect opportunity for him.

He grabbed your clothes that you would usually wear and changed into them. Suprisingly.... They fit.

(so god help me i didnt have any other ideas. Deal with it!)

You came home and saw Toby dressed up like you. You laughed and clapped. "Oh god..!! Haha!! What the hell!?!"

He smiled and changed back into his normal attire.

Dark Link:

Its techinally the same as BEN but with gray and black colors.

Eyeless Jack:

You got a mask painted it blue and drew black lines down the mask. You then put two black patches on the eyes and glued it on.

EJ came home and saw the mask that you made. He patted your head and he said that it looked good.

You giggled and said, "Oh. I know!" He looked at me and smiled a tiny bit behind his mask.

Hope you guys liked it! Sorry if this was short i literally had no ideas in my brain. Hehe! So would you be kind enough to give me ideas maybe?? You don't have to! I'm just saying. Welp anyways got to go! Goobye my Determined Followers!!

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