You Get Him.... Excited

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Jeff The Killer:

It was a VERY hot day. So I only wore a crop top and shorts. I walked outside and sat down watching some shows.

Jeff then came in the room and stared at me. I stared back and noticed..... his friend.....

"Go do something bout that..." He nodded and left to the bathroom. I sighed and giggled.



I was walking to Slender's Office in the mansion. I arrived and knocked. I came in and set the coffee down.

I then closed the door and sat in Slender's arms. He flinched and looked at me. I smiled and looked at his paperwork.

I frowned seeing a pile of it on his desk. "That's gonna take a while.."

"I know Y/n..." He sighed and wrapped his arms around me. I moved a bit and he groaned quietly.

I stopped moving and looked at him, blushing a bit. I blinked a few times and got off. "Take care of that...... please...???"

He stood up quickly and went to his bedroom. I sighed and tried to calm my blush.

BEN Drowned:

You were right now playing some games with BEN and you won two times while BEN won ten times...


I groaned and looked at BEN, who was smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and laid on my back.

My shirt went up and showed my stomach. BEN must've saw cause he was blushing red.

"I-I'll be r-right back!!" He stood up and went to the bathroom. I stayed silent and laughed quietly.

"Pervert..." I rolled my eyes and waited for him to finish.

Ticci Toby: short

I was sitting on the couch with Toby and I was pretty hot so I only wore a tanktop and shorts.

I stretched up and Toby suddenly stood up. ".. I'll be right back...." He then hurriedly went to the bathroom.

Dark Link:

I was lying on the bed watching cat videos until Dark came in the room.

"Hey, what'chu doing?" He asked me. "Watching videos, duh" I rolled over and faced Dark.

He was staring at me and I noticed he was very red. "Dark? Are you okay??" I felt his forehead.

He wasn't sick. I then noticed his friend... I widened my eyes and blushed.

"I'll take care of it.........." Dark left to the bathroom. I stood there and blinked.

Eyeless Jack:

Same as Ticci Toby

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