When You tell Your Friends

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Jeff The Killer:

"NO WAY REALLY?!?!?" I sighed, nodding for the 50th time.

"OMG WHAT???!!! OK UHMM.... I NEED... To.. Calm... Down..!" B/F/N said.

"Are you okay now?" She nodded and put her hands on my shoulders. I raised an eyebrow and suddenly she shook me.

"HSKAKALKHTKR WHAAAT AREE YOOOU DOING!!!!" She stopped and I staggered a bit.

She suddenly smiled and hugged me. "Hopefully... He treats you right." I smiled, thinking about the time he cheated.

I shook that thought out of my head and hugged back. "Thanks.."


"So you actually met THE Slenderman?" I nodded, smirking.

"Who knows.. If you only just stayed with me at Slender Forest you would've met him too." B/F/N pouted and sighed.

"Heh... Anyways.. Is he doing any good to you?" I nodded. She sighed, "Oh! I forgot to tell you!" I tilted my head.

"We have a project due next week Friday, ok bye!!!!!" She ran away, and I yelled.

"WHAT THE FUCK B/F/N!!!!!!!??"

BEN Drowned:

I chased B/F/N... Why?? Because she took my phone to look at my texts with BEN and me.

"UGH!! GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK!!!" I turned a corner and saw B/F/N searching through my contacts.

"HEY!!" I snatched my phone and glared at her. "Hehe! Sooo!!! Tell me about him!!" Why....... I sighed and did a gesture for her to follow me.

She did so and we were in the supply closet. She looked very confused when I placed my phone down to the ground.

"Hey, BEN! Come outta there, I have someone for ya to meet.." B/F/N looked at me and a midget elf boy came through the phone.

She widened her eyes and fainted. I looked at BEN and he went back in the phone.

I sighed and carried her to the infirmary.

Ticci Toby:

"So....... Tell me about this..... Toby."I looked at Y/E/N. I rolled my eyes, "He's cute and funny.. He's also very kind."

"Pft..He sounds fake..." I froze and looked at them. 'EXCUSE ME??!!?!?!' I gritted my teeth.

"I mean like wtf kind of name is Toby?!" She guffawed. I clenched my fists until a hand touched my shoulder.

I turned my head and saw Toby. "T-Toby?!" He smiled and looked at Y/E/N.

"This is Toby?!" Their eye dilated a bit and I flipped them off. Me and Toby walked home while holding hands.

Dark Link:

B/F/N literally wanted to meet Dark so.. after school I texted Dark and told him that my friend is coming over to meet him.

-After School-

We arrived at my house and Dark opened the door. I smiled while B/F/N widened her eyes.

Dark shook B/F/N's hand and she came in. She then started to ask him questions. VERY... personal questions...

Eyeless Jack:

To be honest... B/F/N didn't really care that I was dating a serial killer. She just smiled softly and patted my shoulder.

I told EJ this and even he was suprised. Heh.. Maybe B/F/N doesn't know about the Pasta's..

Here ya go my Determined Followers.

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