You Get Hurt/Him Saying Sorry

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You were making Lunch for (Y/CP/B) until suddenly, he decides to scare you.

Jeff The Killer:

I was cooking up some Fried Rice, until Jeff came up behind me and poked my side.

I yelped and accidently burned myself on the stove. I froze and held in my scream.

I turned off the stove and doused my hand in cold water. I glared at Jeff and he was long gone.

I rolled my eyes and bandaged up my hand. I sighed and continued to cook the fried rice.


I was making PB&J's for me and Slendy and I was right now cutting the sandwiches in triangles.

I finished and walked up to Slender's office. I knocked and came in. He scared me by jumping at me.

I screamed and dropped the tray, it landed on my foot and I slipped and hit my head on the floor.

I groaned and saw that Slender wasn't there. I looked around and saw no one. I groaned again and cleaned up.

BEN Drowned:

I was making food for BEN cause he was getting hungry. So, being the nice person I am, I made food for him.

I just about finished and BEN... He... He... "Died"... again.

Me, being a wuss, screamed and ran out. But somehow, I tripped and rolled down the hallway.

I hit my head and got a concussion. I couldn't see straight so I laid on the couch.

Once again, I looked around and saw no one. I sighed and slept until my raging headache had gone away.

Ticci Toby:

He would never hurt you... or so I thought. He chased me around with his hachets............

I thought he was literally gonna kill me. So I ran, what else could I do?

I then tripped and hit my head on the table. I passed out and Toby was now panicking.

He then set me on the couch, patched me up and left.

Dark Link:

He accidently cut my arm while we were sparring. He had a wooden sword, which was pretty sharp.

And I had his sword. But he cut me on the arm and now I was bleeding.

He screamed and ran away. I facepalmed and started to patch meself up.

Eyeless Jack:

He wouldn't do such a thing.... Unless you want to get mad. Then run for your lives.

I was on the couch. Putting pressure on the wound. He had accidently stabbed me.

He, after he stabbed me, shut the door afraid that I'll hate him. I leaned back on the couch and rest for a bit.

Him Saying Sorry

Jeff The Killer:

After a few hours, Jeff came back an hugged me.

I smiled and hugged back.

BEN Drowned:

He came through the TV and gave me a bouqet of flowers. I smiled and kissed him.

He then frowned and hugged me tight. I smiled sadly again and hugged him back.


He kneeled down beside me and felt hy hair. My head still hurt so I leaned in against his hand.

He sighed and continued to sooth my headache.

Ticci Toby:


Dark Link:

He looked at my arm and frowned. It pained me and so I kissed him. He kissed back and smiled sadly.

I smiled back and we cuddled watching Jacksepticeye play Undertale.

Eyeless Jack:

After a few hours, Jack came out of his room and sat next to me. I looked at him and his mask was off.

This was the first time I saw his face

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This was the first time I saw his face. I smiled sadly and made him turn to me. I kissed his forehead and lips.

"I'm fine." I said. He smiled and kissed me. I kissed back and cuddled.

Would you guys  this part of the chapter Fluff? I know I would XD! Anyways hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see ya next time...
Bye bye!!

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