When You Catch Him Singing

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I was washing the dishes from last night's dinner until I heard... Singing?

I looked around and saw no one. I tilted my head. I stopped the water and went upstairs.

I opened my door and saw (Y/CP/B) holding a hair brush singing. I stood beside the door and watched, smiling.

Jeff The (Beautiful) Singer:

"I can't remember, what happened in September, when everybody died, tears and blood during my stride.."

I clapped and Jeff jumped. He turned around and I giggled. "Awww.. Why'd you stop?" I smirked.

He rolled his eyes, and put the brush back. He faced me and chuckled. "Well, how'd I do?" He asked.

I made the number 11 and he grinned more. He put his arm around me and we watched TV (*cough* Voltron *cough*)

Slender (the singing) man:

"All my friends are Heathens take it slow. Wait for them to ask you who you know. Please don't make, any sudden moves.... You don't know the half of the abuse..."

I smiled and clapped. Slender sweat-dropped an turned around. "Oh.... uh.. Hey! Y/n..."

I laughed and gave a thumbs up. "You have great singing!"

He 'smiled' and picked me up. I laughed and kissed him. "Love you.."
"Love you too.."

BEN (the gaming singer who) Drowned:

"Fate's... the maze. It's so tight and I cannot get out. Late... Too late. Lament shouts will not clear up my doubts. Why tell me father... Did you leave me alone..? Why did I have to survive in a cruel world on my own...?"

I came up behind BEN and hugged him. He flinched and looked behind. He smiled sadly and hugged me back.

"Sorry.... I know... My singing suck-" I hugged a bit tighter. "No.. It doesn't... It's great...." I walked in front of him and smiled softly.

"Look, I don't know what happened between you and your dad... but... He's gone... For good... I promise you.." Cringe

He smiled once again and kissed me. I kissed back, of course, and we cuddled on the bed.

(The wonderful singing) Ticci Toby:

"Meow~ Imma cat. I play the bongo! Dance all, dance all night!! Imma cat. I play the bongo!! Dance all, dance all night!"

"When we purr and meow all day, it's the bongo we must play!! Here we go, here we go, here we go-o!!"

I giggled and high- fived Toby. "Nice job, Toby!!" He nervously ruffled his hair. "T-thanks Y/n!" I gave a grin and we played Freeze Tag with the others.

Dark Link:

"I took you home to meet my family. You asked if you could stay the night. Honestly, I would not have minded. 'Till you gave my sister the eye.."

I blinked and said, "You don't have a sister though..."

He turned around with a blush across his face. "I-it's part of the song!!"

I smirked and snatched Dark's hat. "HEY!!" I laughed and ran away. He chased after me around the house as I screamed in horror and excitement.

Eyeless Jack:

"Yeah, I'd rather be a lover than a fighter. Cuz all my life I've been fighting. Never felt a feeling of comfort... All this time, I've been hiding."

"And I never had someone to call, oh nah. I'm so used to sharing. Love only left me alone. But I'm at one with the Silence."

I cheered and EJ turned around. I smiled at him. He then shrugged and smiled behind his mask.

I giggled and said, "I didn't know you could sing!" I smiled.

"Well..... Uh.... Uhmm...... Yeah......."

I laughed quietly and cuddled.

The songs:

September by TheLivingTombstone

Heathens by Twenty One Pilots

Tell Me Father by MiatriSs

Bongo Cat by CG5

You Want My Sister by Thatcher Joe

Silence by Marshmello ft. Khalid (is that how you spell it??)

Hope you guys liked this!! XD Anyways Bye bye my Determined Followers!!!

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