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"What!? this early are you serious?!?" Yes. Im Serious. *laughs evilly* Anyway. Here is the chapter.

Jeff The Killer:

I was walking home from the store for dinner. Just as I was about to turn the corner, I saw Jeff... With another girl...

I didn't mind at first but.. When Jeff kissed her.

I ran. I ran as fast as I could out of there. He must've saw me cause when I ran past a couple of houses. "Wait!! Y/n!!!!"

I didn't look back. I just kept on running. I opened Chasity's door and I locked it.

"Oh hey, Y/n! ......Oh...." She ran to me and hugged me. I broke down. She patted my back.

She carried me to her guest room and laid me down. I rolled over to my side and went to sleep.

BEN Drowned:

I was typing down an essay I had to do and it was torture. "Ugh.. Fucking finally!" I heard my phone chirp and looked down.

'Hey uh. Imma be a little late sorry baby!' -BEN

I shrugged and looked out my window. I saw BEN... WITH ANOTHER GIRL!!! I gritted my teeth. "Be a little late my ass...."

I grabbed my phone and called Chasity.

"Hey... Can you come over for a few days?"

'Oh! Yeah. Sure! I already know.. I'm sorry'

"No.. Its fine..."

I ended the called and I covered my eyes. As my lips quivered, "W h y. . . ?"

Slenderman: A little long

I was walking around the woods when I heard....... moaning..... I knew exactly who that voice belonged to.

I clenched my fists and punched the tree. My hand was red but I didn't care. I walked back to my house with a bleeding hand.

I heard Slender's static but I kept going. "Y/N?!! IT WASN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!!"


He flinched a bit and I ran away, crying. 'I can't fucking believe him....'

Ticci Toby:

I was cuddling with Toby watching some Super Natural.

We kept on going until Toby went to the bathroom. He left his phone but I didn't bother.

All until I heard a chirp. I checked who it was it was a girl...

'Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me tonight? If you say Yes and ditch that gf of yours I'll be waiting! Xoxo'

I stayed silent and just then Toby came and looked at me, horrified. "Y'know.... Go have fun with her."

He took a step forward and I held up my hand. "Don't..... Just.... Just go" I handed him his phone and pointed out the door.

He looked down, took the phone and left. When he closed the door I felt everything crumble down into  million pieces.

Dark Link:

I was just chillin' on the couch watching some shows until Dark walked through the door with a girl.

I thought she was a friend so I didn't say anything. A few seconds later they were making out.....

I widened my eyes. I stood up abruptly.

Dark's ear twitched and so he turned around. Behind him was me. Tears spilling out once in a while.

He pushed the girl out and stared at me. I bit my lip and slapped Dark. "Get. Out." His ears were down.

"NOW!!" He flinched and walked out the door. When he was outside I slammed the door and locked it.

I slid down the door, sobbing. I grabbed my phone and blocked his number.

Eyeless Jack:

Same as Toby!


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