When They Want To Cuddle (Short)

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You were sitting on the couch watching Cryaotic play "The Walking Dead"

Jeff The Killer:

"PFFT- HAHAHA XD" I covered my mouth and kept laughing. Why? Because I watched one of the intros of Cryaotic's Walking Dead series.

"Hahaha!!!!" I wiped away the tears forming and kept on watching.

Just then, Jeff tackled me in a hug. "AGH!! Jeff?!" I looked down at him with a face of annoyance.

"I waff fo uddle" That's all he said.

"Uhm... what?" I looked at Jeff with confusion.

"I want to cuddle.." I blinked and giggled. "Well, why did you say so!"

I hugged Jeff back and continued to watch Cryaotic.


He don't cuddle.. You cuddle... Soo...You literally just barge in his office and throw yourself onto him.... You do this all the time so he is VERY used to it..

BEN Drowned:

He literally just plopped himself in front of me and cuddled my hand. I looked at BEN with confusion.

"Y'know... Sometimes.. You are very weird you know that... right?"

He shrugged and hugged a bit tighter. I sighed and slept with BEN cuddling my hand.

Ticci Toby:

IDEFK!!?? He just...... I dont know how to explain this... Uhmm..... He..... uhmm

He wraps his arms around my legs and uh... He.. Kisses my knee caps... Whenever he does this, I just look around the room avpiding eye contact.

Dark Link:

Same as BEN but he cuddles your breasts... (this is meant for girls... sorry if you're uncomfortable.)

Eyeless Jack:

He.... Literally.... Cuddles... Every... single... fucking.. time... I have... FREE TIME!!!!

One second later that I tel him that I have no work to do, he runs into my bedroom and jumps on me.


I like his cuddles... even though I feel as though they're gonna crush me..

Sorry guys if this was short... I'm still thinming about how I do my Ninjago story... Its giving me lots of... whats that word... uhm..............................................................

*after hours of thinking*

OH!! Its giving me lots of Stress............ Yeah... See ya!!!

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