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Blake POV
We were in the hospital, Yang walked over with a sandwich.
Yang: want some?
Me: nah I'm good...he's breathing.
Yang: who is he?
Me: the doctors check his wallet, no money and his I.D says Y/N L/N.
Weiss: you said he was in that fire right?
Me: yep.
Weiss: he doesn't have any burns though.
The guy inside started to move, I saw his veins turn black and the wall's paint began melting off.
3rd POV
Y/N's eyes shot open, he started ripping the hospital things off of him and he was looking around, the paint continued to melt. He got out of bed and started screaming. The nurses ran in, they touched him and immediately got burned. They jumped back holding their hands, third degree burns.
Yang: Weiss!
Weiss: I'm on it!
She ran through the door into the room, she slammed her rapier into the ground, making the room completely covered in ice, snow started coming from above Y/N, slowly cooling him.
Weiss: take it easy.
Y/N: who....the hell...are you?! Where is she?!Where am I!?
Weiss: take it easy, I don't want to hurt you.
Y/N: like I'm going to believe you.
His veins turned black again as he pointed his palm at Weiss. His hand then ignited and was ready to shoot.
Y/N: let me leave!
Weiss: you are in the hospital for a reason, you Inhaled a lot of smoke!
Y/N: this smoke?
Y/N took a deep breath in and breathed out, smoke started blowing out of his mouth like a flamethrower. Weiss ran out coughing, she was followed by Y/N who looked both ways and ran away from Team RWBY.
Blake: you two take care of Weiss, I got this!
Blake started running after Y/N who was shoving people to the side to get out.
Blake: stop! I don't want to hurt you!
Y/N stopped and aimed his hands at Blake, his veins started turning black again.
Y/N: I am in no mood! Just let me leave!
Blake: listen, I've seen what you can do, I got you out of that building, just calm down, then you and me will talk about everything.
Y/N: and if I don't?
Blake: you'll be hunted like a criminal, just come with me.
She put her hand out, wanting Y/N to grab it. Y/N looked at her hand and her face, he sighed and his veins turned back to their normal color. Y/N crossed his arms and stood up straight.
Y/N: alright, you first.
Blake: you're going to come with me and my friends, come on.
She walked off, Y/N rolled his eyes and followed her.
Yang: did you do that?
Blake: I'll be honest I don't know.
Ruby: what did she say to you Mister?
Y/N: things.
Weiss: *cough* atleast we know his semblance.
He head went back as she went unconscious.
Ruby: what exactly is it, I mean, I know it's fire, but what causes it?
Y/N: Rage.
Ruby: so you get mad and you just go all fiery?
Y/N: yep
Ruby: that's so cool!
Blake: now Y/N, tell us about what happened.
Y/N: I was with a girl for a long time, of course i thought me and her were solid, turns out....I was wrong.
Yang: so she cheated on you?
Y/N: if you must be blunt about it then yes.
Yang: was it because of your powers?
Y/N: wish I could tell ya, just feels like a waste since she tried help me control my rage....but now.....
Blake put her hand on his shoulder, it made a small sizzle sound.
Blake: you'll get through it, we can take you to Beacon and have you talk to Ozpin, he may be able to help you out with this.
Y/N: I'm letting you know, Jessica couldn't help me, I don't think this Ozpin will do much better.
Yang: you'd be surprised.

Blast of Hatred (Blake X Cheated Reader) {Request}Where stories live. Discover now