Team Building Exercise

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3rd POV
Ozpin: do you know why I called you here?
Y/N: not exactly, but I assume you have a reason.
Ozpin: we have decided your team, it being Team RWBY, a fifth member doesn't seem bad does it?
Y/N leaned in and looked Ozpin dead in the eyes.
Y/N: you do realize I set an apartment a blaze, you mean to tell me you want me, a pyromaniac, to be on a team with four girls. No thanks, I don't trust girls.
Ozpin: I know you're hurt.
Y/N: I.....don'
Ozpin: just give it a sh-
Y/N stood up and planted his hands on the desk, smoke coming from his palms.
Y/N: I don' them.
Ozpin: if you didn't, why did you come with RWBY here?
Y/N: I question that decision every second I'm alone.
Glynda: you have the most time with them, this could be very hel-
Y/N: No.
Ozpin looked at Y/N. He then clicked on a button on his desk.
Ozpin: send in Belladonna please.
Blake walked in, Y/N sat back down in the chair, his burnt hand prints left on the desk.
Y/N: you're gonna need more than her to take me on some team thing.
Glynda: we're trying to help you.
Y/N: it's going to take a lot more than simple words to-
Y/N ended up at a store with Team RWBY, a look of irritation was on his face.
Yang: what would you like Y/N?
Y/N: to leave and get a burger....
Yang: we were told to spend at least one hour here.
Y/N stared before sighing.
Y/N: what joys can you four bring to me today?
It started with Blake and Y/N looking through the book section of the mall, she was looking for Ninja's of Love, while
Y/N looked at a book on the oil industry.
Y/N: hmmmm
Weiss went jewelry shopping next, dragging Y/N along as he looked at the cashier and pointed his fingers to his head like a gun and pulled the trigger. The female cashier giggled as Weiss then walked up to him and placed a golden bracelet on his arm.
Y/N: uh Weiss.
Weiss: yes Y/N?
Y/N: you have 5 seconds to take this off before I melt it.
Y/N was then dragged into a bakery, Ruby picking out countless cookies to put in a donut box.
Owner: and what would you like sir?
Y/N: nothing.
Ruby: oh come on Y/N, Please!
She looked at him with puppy dog eyes before he sighed and leaned on the glass.
Y/N: have any snickerdoodles?
He was then dragged into a clothing store with Yang, she was trying on countless dresses, casual clothes and bikinis.
Yang: can you pass me in that red dress Y/N?
Y/N put in the dress with her and sat back down in the chair, opening a magazine, little did he know it was a male model magazine until he opened it.
Y/N: how the fuck does he fit himself into that? Yuck!
He threw it to the ground and leaned back a little bit.
While Y/N was sitting in a chair outside the changing room, he smelled something familiar, it was the same cologne from the day Jessica cheated. He looked up and saw a man leaving the changing room that was next to Yang's. It was the exact same man. Y/N stood up with his fists balled, the man glanced to his left and recognized Y/N immediately.
Dude: Oh Shit!
Y/N cracked his neck as the air around him began to heat up, Yang felt it within the changing room, quickly throwing back on her jacket as she began to sweat. Blake walked with Weiss from outside the perfume aisle and felt the heat.
Weiss: is that?
Blake: oh no!
Y/N stood as his hands began to steam, the man made a quick run for it, only for Y/N's eyes to let off a quick flash, and a small line of flames appeared in front of him, making him stop. He quickly turned around as Yang kicked open the door, Y/N then walked over to the man. People in the store began to huddle while nervous, wanting to see what happened next. Jessica was in the crowd, quickly throwing a good over her head and leaving the store before anything could happen to her.
Dude: we can talk about this ri-
Y/N cracked him in the face with a punch, putting him to the ground, missing three teeth and a sunburn on his lips.
Dude: OW!
Ruby ran over, Yang quickly joined her before joined with Weiss and Blake.
Blake: what do we do?
Y/N: you four will do nothing....he is mine for the next 26 minutes. Then...the hour will be up.
The man swallowed hard as he tried to crawl away.

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