Food Fight

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3rd POV
Y/N walked into the mess hall and sat down, began to eat whatever they were serving for food. Within seconds everyone got up and ran for their lives, leaving Y/N alone and confused. He then heard the sound of laughing behind him, making him slowly turn around to see Team JNPR on a stack of items, Nora at the top.
Nora: I'm queen of the castle, I'm queen of the castle.
Ruby: Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! It will be DELICIOUS!
The rest of Team RWBY yelled behind her as Y/N then rolled his eyes and continued to eat. The sound of good being thrown and hard items were heard smacking together. Weiss grabbed a full swordfish and held it like her rapier Yang shoved turkey's on her hand and ran at Ren who held a piece of bread and was ready to swing it.
The lunch lady ran through the room with her head covered, running in front of Y/N.
Y/N: where's the salt?
He then stood up as a soda can flew in front of himself grabbing the salt and pepper and walking back over to his tray to give atleast a little bit of flavoring to his food.
Y/N: this shit needs Creole bad.
Nora: watch out!
Y/N was cracked in the face with a whole turkey, putting him to the ground hard. Nora's eyes widened as she then looked around.
Nora: uh....Jaune did it!
Y/N stood up, his fists catching a flame. His eyes flashing orange as he looked at Nora and cracked his knuckles. Y/N picked up his tray and threw it, the flames trailing behind it and cracking Nora in the face and putting her to the ground. He then looked at Jaune, grabbed the whole turkey and threw it at him, putting him to the ground.
Y/N: I'm leaving now.
He pulled one of the strands of Turkey from his fair and flicked it to the ground before walking off. He left the room completely and opened up his scroll.
Y/N: fuck the better be home Jessica.

Meanwhile inside the Mess Hall

Yang: are you guys alright?
Jaune: I think my ribs are broken.
Weiss: I'm going to have to agree with Yang here, he really is an asshole.
Blake: I'll try and go talk to him.
Pyrrha: listen Blake....I'm not one to judge people, quite frankly I'm against judging people if you don't know the past. But he is just very rude...he isn't going to open up to anyone and he doesn't respect anyone. I hate to say it...but there is a good chance that he is a lost cause.
Blake sighed before going outside to try and get him, she wants him to try and open up, he just doesn't really like anyone. She went to the courtyard to see a burn mark, he was no longer here as the dust from the burns began to blow away. She quickly ran back inside and flew the doors open.
Blake: guys! He's gone!
Weiss: well I mean....he did leave.
Blake: no I meant he's no longer at the academy. Along with enraged.
Yang: we wouldn't know where he would be going.
Blake remained quiet for a second before her cat ears perked up.
Blake: do any of you remember that address? When he pummeled that one guy?
Weiss: I have's in one of the bad parts of town. Wait....didn't his ex live at that address.
Blake: we need to stop him.

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