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        I hate waking up early in the morning especially if I have a hangover. I'm not sure if I should call in sick or go to work for everyone to see how messed up I'm looking right now. Luckily, I have some vacation time saved from last month so I can call my boss and tell her I'm not coming today. My boss Mariah can be a "controlling bitch" sometimes, as she called herself in the last meeting we had, but hopefully today she is the nice old lady that I have learned to love.

        "Hello?" I whispered 

        "Hey Trinity, why you whispering? Are you alright?" she asked. She was always worried about her younger employees, and I loved that about her, but sometimes she would try to get all in people's business, which was highly irritating.

        "Sorta, I don't feel so good this morning and I was wonder..."

        "Are you pregnant?" she interrupeted me.

        "No, I just got a bad headache...that's all." 

        "Mhmm, you was out partying all night weren't you." 

        "No, I wasn't partying." I said slighty irritated.

        "Whatever you say Trinity. I will let you take this day off since you have a few days left over from last month, but I will be expecting you to come to work tomorrow." 

        "Alright Mrs. Johnson." I said as I ended the call. Now that I don't have to go to work I can finally get some work done around this apartment, but first I gotta do something about this headache.

Once my headache went away I took my shower and started my day. I was sitting at the kitchen table making a grocery list when suddenly my phone started to ring. It was my bestfriend Keri. Me and Keri been friends since 4th grade (Yeah that means we've been friends for about 12 years now.) We basically became friends because of our mother's who are sorority sister. My mom says that we are just like her and Keri's mom when they were 21 years old, which I can't believe because we're wild as hell. 


        "You answered? Wow that's a first." She exclaimed.

        "What you mean?"

        "You never answer the phone when you're at work...unless you're on break. But it's only 9 o'clock." 

        "I had a really bad hangover this morning, so I took the day off." 

        "Ooh, so how did the date go last night?" Keri set me up on a date last night that I didn't want to go to, but she said I needed it since I've been so busy with work and school, so I said whatever and went on the date.

        "It was alright."

        "Alright? What ya'll do?"

        "Ate something at Applebees, went to the movies and....went to his place." I said nervously

        "You did what now? Ya'll didn't do nothing did you?" She asked sounding like my mother.

        "No, we just talked, had some drinks and kissed, but...."

        "Ya'll kissed. On the first date. What the hell Trinity." 

        "I mean it's not my fault. He was attractive..once I started drinking, and he came on to me, but I doubt that I would go on another date with him. He wasn't for me." I explained.

        "Whatever Trinity. Listen I gotta talk to you later. Raymond's here." Raymond was Keri's boyfriend. They've been together for 5 years and they make a cute couple, and honestly they've helped each other improve. Back in the day, before she meet Raymond, she use to be shy and had some self-esteem issues, but once her and Raymond got together all that changed. Raymond use to be real quiet and to himself, but he also looked scary because he had a lot of tattoos, but he was actually a really smart and cool guy. I was happy when they got together, and it makes me feel good inside everytime I see them together, making me wish I had something like that, but my time will soon come...I hope,

        "Okay, talk to you later." I said as I ended the call and continued my grocery list.

        I finished my list and cleaned the apartment the best way I could. It was almost 10:30 a.m. and that means my roommate, Javion, would be getting home soon. My roommate and I have been friends for almost 3 years. We became friends because my professor demanded me to tutor him in calculus (longest 2 weeks of my life) and after that we talked almost everyday, then when I decided to get an apartment I invited him to stay since he always complained about the living on campus. Everyone thought it was weird for us to be staying together, but it wasn't a problem for us. We just looked at it as two close friends living together and nothing more, but recently it has been a problem, and he has become irritating as hell. Not only that, but he acts like he is my daddy by asking me where I am, and where I was the other night, which I expect him to ask me once he gets home.

        As I was in the living room sitting in my recliner, I heard the door unlock, and in comes Javion on the phone.

        "I don't know bruh, it was about three of em, but I didn't see the price or......hold on lemme call you back." he said as he looked at me.

        "What you doing here?" He asked.

        "Hey to you too Javion, and to answer your question I called in sick today."

        "Really, you don't look sick to me." he said as he walked into the kitchen.

        "I was sick this morning." 

        "Of course you were." he mumbled.

        "What you say?" I asked turning around in my chair.

        "Nun...is this the grocery list?" he ask pointing to the list I wrote earlier.

        "Yes, do you need to add something to it."

       "No" He said dryly. When he acts like this he knows something and I believe he knows about my little date last night.

        "What's wrong with you Javion?" I asked already knowing what was up.

        "Nothing you should worry about."

        "Okay then, stop acting so bitchy if nothings wrong then," I said as I turned back around towards the t.v.

        "Stop acting so bitchy? You the one coming home at 2 in the morning drunk as hell." He yelled. I knew it was bothering him.

        "Why are you so worried about me coming home late. Last time I checked I was 21 years old and not living with my parents. Therefore I can do whatever the fuck I want." I screamed as I got up and walked towards my room.

        "I know you 21, but you don't act like you use to. I know you went on a date with Vonte..."

        "And...you gotta problem with me dating someone?" 

        "No, but Vonte ain't your type." How the hell do he know what my type is. He talking all types of crazy shit now.

        "You don't know my type Javion."

        "Yes I do, and Vonte ain't it. I bet ya'll had sex and everything last night knowing him." 

        "First of all you don't know what I like now and second of all you know I'm not that type of girl to have sex on the first date." 

        "Whatever you say. All I know is......"

        "All you know is you better stop talking to me about this...I'm gone." I said as I grabbed some shoes and my keys and went out the door. This is the type of shit that makes me wonder why I choose him to stay with me.


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