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Okay so I saw this theory that everything in Jughead's novel is not real and he uses his friends for it and that in the real life he's dating Veronica when he really loves Betty.
~Jughead's POV~
I put my laptop away and sighed "I finally finished it." I told them. Veronica my girlfriend, Betty the girl whom I really love, and Archie my best friend we're sitting at a booth at Pop's (a/n: I had to make that real it would break my heart if Pop's wasn't the place where they always hanging out) "That's amazing, Juggie!" Betty said to me "Can we read it?" Betty asked nicely. As much as I wanted to I couldn't because in my novel Betty is my girlfriend and my real girlfriend is her best friend. Which is why I'm planning to break up with Veronica tonight "Yeah can we?" Veronica raised her eyebrow "No." "Why?" "Archie asked "Hey if he doesn't want us to see it yet then we have to respect that plus we'll all be able to read it when it succeeds and before you disagree, Juggie you should know that you're an amazing writer." It's as if Betty was reading my mind. Later me and Veronica decided to meet alone because we both had something we needed to tell each other "Veronica, I think your an amazing person but I don't think this is going to work I'm so sorry." I told her "Oh thank god!" She sighed "Pardon?" I asked "Sorry that was rude. What I meant was that's was what I came here to tell you. I can tell that you love Betty and I love Archie. And if I'm being honest Betty loves you too. She told me a while ago because she couldn't keep it in and she promised not to try anything. Did she?" Veronica asked "No actually I mean besides the endless blushing which I actually started to be honest." I told her "So now that you confessed do you want to tell me the reason why you didn't want me to see your novel?" Veronica asked "In my novel Betty is my girlfriend and Archie is your boyfriend." I answered "Well all I can say is go get your girl." Veronica said to me gesturing to go. I ran over to Betty's house on Elm Street (a/n: I was watching the first episode and saw that she lived on Elm Street) I knocked on the door and when she answered I kissed her she kissed back at first then she pushed me off and my heart broke "Jughead, this is wrong you're with Veronica!" She told me "We broke up." "Then I'm dating my best friend's ex which is almost just as bad." "Okay Betts, SHE LOVES ARCHIE! She told me earlier!" I told her and then she grabbed my face and kissed me I automatically kissed back "The reason why I didn't want you guys to read my book yet is because you're my girlfriend in my novel." I told her "So am I you're real life one too or is that gonna stay fantasy?" She asked half joking. I kissed her again "Does that answer your question?" I laughed she nodded biting her lip "So are we just gonna stand by my door all night or are gonna come inside?" She asked stepping aside "I think I'll come inside." I answered. When we got inside we decided to watch movies "So what do you want to watch?" I asked her "Kissing Booth!" "NO!" "Why?" "Veronica already made me watch it and it sucks!" "Fine I have an even better movie to watch.... To All The Boys I've Loved Before!" "NO!" "What's wrong with that movie?!" "I already know it's a love story." "What's wrong with that?" She asked raising her eyebrow. 'IT'S A TRAP ABORT ABORT!!!' I thought to myself  "To All The Boys I've Loved Before it is!" I answered. She giggled. That damn adorable giggle "That movie was awful." I told her when it went to the credits "You liked it." "Alright Fine I did." I confessed "I knew you would!" She told me "Who was you're favorite?" I asked her "Kitty." "Why?" "She's underrated and her necklace says 'Feminist' on it." She told me I nodded "Well I think I'm gonna head out." I said to her "Or.... You could stay." She suggested "Okay." So I sat back on the couch with her head on my chest. It's the same place that I woke up in I walked into Betty's kitchen to see her and her mom talking when I walked in the room went silent "So Jug-head what did you guy's do last night?" Mrs.Cooper asked me "Watched a movie. What do you think we did, Mrs.Cooper?" I asked innocently. I could see Betty trying not to laugh. She gave me a look as if I were the devils spawn "Nothing I'm just curious on why you spent the night at my house and not your girlfriend's." She told me "I am at my girlfriend's house. Veronica and I broke up because she's in love with Archie and I'm in love with your daughter." I told her and smiled "Listen you Beanie wearing sea urchin you hurt my daughter I hurt you!" Mrs.Cooper said looking me dead in the eye "Mom!" "What, Elizabeth I'm just telling him how it is." "No need to worry Mrs.Cooper I would never." I told her "We have to go meet Veronica and Archie at Pop's. BYE!" Betty said practically dragging me out the door. "Hey, kids! Did you two finally get together?" Pop greeted us "Yeah we did." Betty answered smiling "Hey! Guys!" Veronica said to us as we went over to our booth. Most of the things in my novel were a fantasy like the Southside or Northside, the Blackhood, Jason Blossom's, or the fact that Betty has some weird darkness thing. But I did include some real things from my life like Pop's, my love for Betty, and how close Archie, Betty, Veronica, and I are.

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