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I feel the need to give credit to bughead001  because their recent chapter gave me inspiration for this so yeah.
~Betty's POV~
Hogwarts is a school of wizardry. I recently got accepted into it. When I got my letter I was ecstatic my parents couldn't have been more proud. My parents are both wizards.

It was absolutely insane. I didn't truly believe that I was actually going until I got my wand.

Days later I took at train on platform nine and three quarters. I met a nice girl named Veronica, we sat next to each other on the train.

"What house do you think you are?" I asked her. Houses are what groups we're sorted into based on our personalities. Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. (a/n: ravenclaw gang where y'all at-) "I have no idea. I'm told by a lot of people that I'm probably a Slytherin." "My mom thinks I'm a Ravenclaw but my dad thinks I'm a Gryffindor. I think it'd be cool to be in any of the houses, really." I confessed, Veronica nodded. "It'd be nice if we got in the same house." She told me "I agree." We talked for a little while more before we finally got to Hogwarts.

It probably won't take long for me since my last name is Cooper. "Elizabeth Cooper!" Professor McGonagall called. I walked up to the sorting hat. This is it, this is what I've been waiting and preparing for my entire life. I sat under the hat and inhaled. "HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat yelled. I smiled brightly. I walked over to the Hufflepuff table and saw a ginger haired boy. He looked at me and extended his hand "I'm Archie." He smiled "I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Betty." I said and shook his hand.

When I was watching people get sorted there was one boy that got my attention. He had pitch black hair and green eyes. He was very attractive. For some reason I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. With him the hat slightly hesitated after a bit the hat finally decided on Slytherin. I turned away from him when it was Veronica's turn. I looked at her and waved, she smiled and waved back. She didn't get into Slytherin like she thought but instead Ravenclaw. I'm sad we're not on the same house but I'm sure we'll still see each other and I hope to soon make conversation with the raven haired boy.

It took me a couple months to actually talk to the boy. I mostly just watched him. Although there were times where I caught him watching me too.

I cleared my throat and walked up to him "Hi." He turned from his book and looked at me "Hello,"He said and smiled "I'm Jughead." I smiled back "Pleasure. I'm Betty." Jughead and I chatted for a while until he had to go with his friend to quidditch practice. He isn't on the team but his friend is. I watched him walk away and smiled at myself.

Later that day Veronica and I were studying together for a test. We had to complete a spell. Wingardium leviosa, in class we used a feather but now we have to try to do it with a book.

"Wingardium levio-SA!" Veronica yelled "That's not how you say it." I told her "Yeah it is!" I shook my head "Fine then you try it." I shrugged. "Okay. Wingardium levi-O-sa!" The book lifted. I smiled "YES!" Veronica frowned "Bloody hell." I laughed slightly. After a few more tries Veronica got it. After that we had free time and started talking. Veronica told me on how she recently developed a crush on Cheryl Blossom, she's a Slytherin. Apparently they have the dark arts together.

"What about you, B?" I blushed "Well I suppose there's a boy... he's a Slytherin too. His name's Jughead." Veronica smiled "Do you like him?" I rolled my eyes with a smile "I don't know. I just met him today." "If you didn't then why would you bring him up when I asked?" Veronica asked with a small smirk. I looked at her. "No commentary." Veronica chuckled.

Truthfully Veronica was right. I of course will not tell her that.

Through out the years Jughead and I became closer. During the summers we'd write each other all the time.

~year four~
Through out the years Jughead and I got closer. And my feelings for him got bigger, naturally.

I was getting my stuff and my cat Charlie when someone taps me on the shoulder. I looked over to see Jughead smiling. I smile back. "Hi, Juggie." I said "Hey, Betts." We hugged for a moment and then went to meet with the others.

  "There you guys are! Hogwarts' favorite couple." Veronica said when she saw us. I looked at Jughead and blushed "We're not a couple." I told her "Not yet, Betty. not.yet." She said back quietly, but I could still easily hear her "What?" Jughead asked "Shh it's not relevant to you yet." "But-" "Shhhh!"

  Jughead and I were walking together to the corridor. "So about what Veronica said back there..." Jughead began "We don't need to talk about it." I told him getting uncomfortable "I think we do." "Do we though?" (a/n: imagine Betty's face like this:

"Why not?" "Well I mean there isn't really anything to talk about

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"Why not?" "Well I mean there isn't really anything to talk about." "Y-yeah I suppose you're right. Um anyway how was your summer?" He asked me "Good, my sister had twins so that's something!" I told him "Cool. I had a good summer too. What are their names?" "Very weird." "Weirder than my name?" He asked and raised an eyebrow "Possibly. Their names are Juniper and Dagwood." "Wow." "I know." Jughead laughed a little. "I feel the need to confess something." I raised my eyebrow "my real name is not Jughead." My eyes widened "What?! Then what is your real name?" "Listen you can't tell anyone because it's really bad." I nodded "Forstheye Pendleton Jones the third." "Oh wow." "Exactly." I chuckled slightly and smiled.

After that we were quiet for a while. That's when I realized that I should tell him how I feel. This could go wrong so fast but I'm gonna go for it.

"So um... I just I need to tell you something." He smiled. "What is it?" "I-I really like you, Juggie. You don't have to say anything back. I just wanted to let you know..." Before I knew anything he was kissing me. When we pulled back I breathed against his lips. "I guess you like me back then." I said with a smile. He nodded and smiled back.

Whilst being in our moment Veronica walked towards us "Oh my god it's happening! It's finally happening! I've been waiting four years for this. I'm telling everybody we know." "Veronica-" I began "She's already gone." Jughead told me "I'm not surprised."

The next day everyone was teasing me about it all morning. But I didn't care.

(a/n: I start school tomorrow and it's not okay-)

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