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(a/n:Please don't hate me)
Warning mentions of suicide
~Jughead's POV~
We were sitting at Pop's. Archie, Veronica, Cheryl, Kevin and I just got back from Betty's funeral. "What can I get you?" The waiter asked. I didn't say anything. I'm not sure I physically could say anything, all I could think about is Betty. She's gone. The love of my life is dead. "We'll all have chocolate milkshakes please." Veronica said "Did any of you guys suspect she would do this?" Archie asked "I mean... I knew that Betty didn't like her life... But I didn't think she would commit suicide." Cheryl said getting teary-eyed. Everyone was different know that Betty's gone. Her mom is spiraling, Polly got more into the colt to distract herself from what happened, Veronica closed her speak easy for a while, Archie stopped playing music, Kevin hasn't been to school in days, and I... I feel like I'm falling apart. I lost my other half, my Juliet, my Nancy Drew, my everything. I feel like it's my fault, I knew she wasn't happy with her life and instead of being there for her like a good boyfriend I was with the Serpents. I didn't even know until and hour after she got to the hospital when Veronica called me. The day she did it she was on weirdly calm, happy in a way, I thought she was getting better. She hung out with all of us all day, we all thought that this was good. That she was finally happy. That our Betty was finally back. Little did we know that it was a goodbye. She called be a little bit before she did it.
"Hi Juggie." She said. She sounds like she's crying. "Hey, Betts. Hey are you okay?" I asked "Yes actually... And just know that I love you. And I'll always be here." She said and hung up. Odd.
~Flashback over~
"She called me that night. She sounded really sad and told me that she'll always be here. I didn't know what to think. I thought that if  something was really wrong she would talk to me." I told the group. I didn't even get to tell her that I loved her back. I keep seeing her and every time I do I feel happy and I forget all of my problems, then I reach for her the minute I touch her she disappears, and everything I was feeling disappears too. Except for my feelings for her. I'll never stop loving her. "Would you guys judge me if I cried?" Archie asked with tears in his eyes "No." we all said. I was already crying. I didn't even try holding it back. "I miss her so much... When I first met Betty I knew that she would be my best friend... Like it was destined." Veronica told us "I remember when Betty asked me to join the Blue and Gold... The look on her face when I agreed." I said and sadly smiled at the memory. I re-read my note that she wrote for the millionth time today. Only 5 people got notes. Archie, Veronica, Kevin, Cheryl, and me.

Dear Jughead, I'm sorry I did this. Just know I love you, I'll never stop loving you. Before we started dating I didn't believe in true love, the minute you kissed me when you climbed through my window that day I knew I was wrong. Even though I won't be there I still want you to go to college, find love, pursue your dream as a writer. I mean I will be here, you just won't see me. Always be your adorable-weirdo self, Juggie.
Sincerely, Betty.

(a/n:I honestly cried writing this)

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