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~Betty's POV~
It's been three weeks since Jughead broke up with me. I don't even know why, I thought we were in a great place. We both have made it very clear that we love each other regardless of our past or fears, our parents have finally accepted our relationship... I just don't understand. Did I do something wrong?! Whenever we're so much as in the same room as each other either a)I run away b)we fight or c)we fight then I run away. Somehow Archie and Veronica still make it work. On the last day of school before Christmas break we were in the Blue and Gold room, not fighting for once, we decided to still give each other presents this year considering how we both bought them end of November-beginning December... Before we broke up. We gave each other the presents. "I-I don't want to start a fight, it probably will. But- I have to know.. Why did you break up with me? I thought we were in a good place. Did I do something wrong or..?" I asked. He gave a frustrated sigh as if I were trying to talk to him when he had earbuds in. I raised my eyebrow at him. "What's the look for?!" He asked annoyed "What's the frustrated sigh for?!" I asked just as annoyed "I asked you first!" He exclaimed "And I asked you a question first and here we are!" I was on the verge of slapping him because he is so damn aggravating! "Why do you care so badly if you know why I broke up with you?!" He asked "Because the thought of you not loving me anymore terrifies me, Jughead! After everything we've been through together! I told you my deepest secrets that not even Archie or Veronica- not even Kevin know about! At least when I broke up with you I reassured you that I still loved you!" I said beginning to cry "Betty-" he began "You know what forget I said anything! Merry Christmas." I said running out. Cheryl stopped me mid-way "Dear Cousin, what's wrong?" She asked concerned "Ask Jughead!" I said wanting to get out of their as soon as possible.
~Cheryl's POV~
"You better have a damn good explanation, Jones!" I yelled walking into the Blue and Gold knowing that's where that hobo would be "What do you want, Cheryl?" He asked impatiently "I just saw my cousin running out of the school crying. I asked her why and she said to talk to you!" I yelled "I broke up with her she asked me why! I didn't give her an answer instead I argued with her! Which I hoping to spare her feelings but instead it just made her feelings worse!" He told me "You... IDIOT!" I said and smacked him upside the head. "Ow!" He complained. I rolled my eyes. "So why did you break up with her? I would love to hear why you broke up with my cousin, didn't at least tell her that you can still be friends, or even talk to her?! Oh wait no! You did talk to her but only to argue with her thinking it will spare her feelings!" I yelled at him "I was blackmailed... She threatened Betty-" he started before I cut him off "You do realize this is Betty we're talking about here... She doesn't need your protection. If anything you need hers! She doesn't need your protection she needs you to be there for her!" I told him. Which I 100% believe is true Betty doesn't need his protection. I've seen Betty fight before, she'd beat your ass in 2 seconds. And if someone did hurt her, I'd hurt them without thinking twice. We may not of had a good past but in the end she's still my cousin and I want the best for her (a/n:BERYL😭💖). I've also seen Jughead fight, let's just say it's best that he's not on the football team. He rolled his eyes "Well... What the hell are you still doing here?! Get your ass over to her house and apologize! Tell her everything you just told me!" I said to him. The minute I said he ran out of the room. Hopefully he won't procrastinate it and go to Pop's first... Wait... FUCK! This is Jughead Jones I already know that he's gonna do that. You know what we won't loose hope yet. Jughead Jones you better not mess this up...
~Jughead's POV~
I messed up, I messed up really bad and I need to try to fix it. To fix Betty and I's relationship I decided to get a ladder and climb to her window... Like our first kiss. I tapped on her window, she looked up at me, she was on her floor crying. Suddenly a wave of guilt pushed through my entire body when I realized I did this to her. I was the one who she was supposed to depend on most. And Cheryl's right I could've at least let Betty know that we can at least still be friends or that I still love her. She looked up at me, got up, and closed her blinds. I tapped on her window again "Go away!" Her voice cracked "I'm sorry!" I yelled hoping that might work. I don't know why I even tried that, I if I were her I wouldn't even let me in. The only reason I let Betty apologize to me when she broke up with me is because it's hard to avoid her when she helped me get through that drag race. "Go away, Forstheye!" She yelled again. Ouch she used my real name. Luckily I know Betty always keeps her window open. So I opened it and climbed through. "This is breaking and entering!" She said "I don't care I want to make things right. Starting off with... I do still love you, Betts-" she cut me off "It's Betty to you currently." She corrected. I kinda had that coming considering how when she broke up me she called me Juggie and I did the same thing she just did. "Anyway I do still love you. I was being blackmailed by Penny and she threatened you. I was protecting you!" I told her "I don't need your protection." She told me "It was my priority as your boyfriend to protect you! And the reason why I started fights was because I was hoping it would spare your feelings." I said. I don't think I made this any better now she just looks really frustrated. "Wow! That is really sweet... I think I'm falling in love with you all over again!" She said sarcastically. "Betty, I thought maybe you would understand considering how with the Blackhood..." I said "That is totally different!" She yelled "Really?! How so?!" I yelled back "Well your being threatened by a drug dealer with a blurry video, by the way you have a witness and you could've gone through her records and you would've probably been able to see that she's more guilty than you are. I was threatened by a serial killer who threatened to kill you, Polly, Veronica, and my mom if I didn't do his bidding! So do you really want to talk about how similar our situations were?!" She yelled. I mean I knew that the Blackhood was calling her but I didn't know that he threatened to kill Polly, or Veronica, or her mom, or me. There was silence for minutes until Betty got a call. Betty sighed, put her finger over her mouth signaling for me not make any noise , and answered the call. "What do you want now? I've done everything you asked." She asked getting tears in her eyes. The Blackhood is still calling her? "Did you get my little gift?" The Blackhood asked. What gift? "Yes. Why do you people?! What will make you stop?!" "You, and I know that you and that beanie kid. Jughead. Are back together. I told you stay away." He answered "Please don't-" before she could finish her sentence he hung up. She instantly started sobbing. I wrapped my arms around her as she sobbed into my chest. "I know this was isn't the time but... What gift?" I asked "Earlier he sent me a finger." She told me. I looked into her eyes and kissed her, she kissed back for second before pulling away "Not now. Right now we have to figure out whoever the Blackhood is gonna come for next so we can catch him." She said and gave a small smile. And with that the Romeo and Juliet detective duo is back.

(a/n:Happy Thanksgiving🦃💗)

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