Valentines Day

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Betty: 21
Betty and Jughead got married not too long ago they live in an apartment together.

~Betty's POV~
Today was big day for two reasons 1.Valentines Day and 2.a reason I'll say later... I woke up in the morning smelling bacon and no Jughead beside me. I decided to go downstairs. I watched Jughead panicking because he burned the bacon. I giggled at him a little bit, he looked over at me "No no no no no! You're supposed to be in bed! My goal was to make you breakfast in bed!" He groaned "Well it's the thought that counts. Happy Valentine's Day." I said and kissed his cheek "Happy Valentines Day, my love...Maybe we could have breakfast at V and Archie's?" He asked "Are you kidding it's Veronica and Archie you should know what they're doing," I told him "maybe we could go out for breakfast!" I suggested "Okay." He answered "I'm going to go get dressed... can I wear your shirt?" I asked smiling "Since when do you ask?" He said jokingly. I smacked his chest "Shut up!" "Do not start a fight you cannot finish, Elizabeth." "Oh I won't I'll start a fight I will finish... Forstheye." I knows how much he hates being called by his real name, but in my defense he knows how I hate being called Elizabeth. "Oh that's it!" And with that he lifted me up over his shoulders. "JUGGIE! PUT ME DOWN!" "NO!" We did this for a while before he eventually pinned me on the couch. I took this as my chance. I started to kiss him until he got off of me a little then I pushed him off the couch. "ELIZABETH JONES YOU TEASE!" He yelled making me giggle. I shrugged smiling like an idiot. "I'm going to go get dressed. Umm also I have something to tell you later." I told him. He frowned, quickly I add "Don't worry it's good." I assured him, he smiled.

  I decided just to wear one of his many 'S' shirts, ripped jeans, and my black converse, and due to the fact that it's February... because don't get me wrong I love Valentine's Day, but the hell is it in the middle of winter?! I also decided to wear a hoodie around my waist... Which is also Jughead's.

  "Pops?" I asked him "Where else would we go?" I chuckled "Fair enough."

Time skip cause I'm lazy af

When we got home we were discussing on which is better The Office or FRIENDS. I am married to someone who thinks that FRIENDS is better than The Office. "Okay but Ross and Rachel!" He pointed out "Jim and Pam! In one episode Robert California made a list of the winners and losers in The Office and Pam was on the losers side and Jim was on the winners side. Later that Jim dropped a paper that he made, it was his list the good side said 'Pam, Cece, and new baby'! That's adorable!" "Ross and Rachel are cute too!" "Ross slept with someone else!" "They were on a break!" "That doesn't mean you sleep with the next girl you see! You wouldn't do that!... Would you?" I asked actually a little worried "No, no, of course I wouldn't." We both smiled and I kissed him. "Do you wanna open our presents now?" I asked him "Yes!" He said automatically. I went and got mine quickly he did the same. "You open yours first!" He told me. It was a bracelet that he knows that I've had my eye on for months now. "Thank you, Juggie. I love it." I told him. I handed him mine, at this point I couldn't stop smiling. He opened the box and saw a stick with two lines. He smiled "Betts, I swear if you're messing with me..." "I'm not." "You're not?" He asked "No." I reassured him "I'm gonna be dad." He said this about three times before he lifted me up and swirled me around. I giggled. "How far along are you?" He asked "Like four weeks." "Does anyone else know?" "No." "I still can't believe it..." he told me. Honestly I feel the same way, and I'm the one that's gonna give birth in 8-9 months. Definitely a rememberable Valentine's Day.

(a/n:Happy late Valentines Day💖)

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