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This is based on a deleted scene:

~Betty's POV~
"Does anyone have a burner phone?" Veronica asked us.

  Right now I'm at Cheryl's house for a sleepover with V, Cheryl, Toni, and Josie. We just had a conversation about how Cheryl and I both feel like we have people in our lives that could possibly endanger us.

  Toni pulled out a phone out of her bag. We all looked at her. "What? I'm in a gang remember!" Toni reminded us.

  Cheryl was gonna call Chic and they were gonna decide who I called.

  "Is this Chic? You have a secret don't you... I know you do-" it was about to get interesting before he hung up on her. "Ugh well that was rude." She said and closed the phone.

  "Betty," Cheryl began and smirked "We dare you to call Jughead and tell him you love him." Jughead and I have been dating for two months now and have known each other out entire lives. "Cheryl, have you lost your mind?! We haven't been dating that long-" I was about to state exactly why this is a bad idea. In all honesty, I do love Jughead. I just don't think this is the right time.

  "I think you underestimate just how much this boy loves you." Josie cut me off. I turned to her "What are you going on about now?" I asked her "He clearly is in love with you, he has been for some time now. Have you seen the way he looks at you? You were just too busy pinning after Archie to notice." Josie answered. Toni and Veronica both agreed "Okay you two haven't even know us that long!" I stated "Maybe not but we still have eyes!" Veronica told me. I hesitated. "Fine. I'll do it."

  "Betty hand me your phone." Cheryl told me "Why?" I asked her "So I can put in Jughead's number." "Don't need to I remember it." I said and dialed his number.

(Betty Jughead)

Hello? Who is this?
Hey Jug it's Betty
Oh. Hey Betts. Why aren't you calling me on your phone?
I- that's a good question... anyways. I have something I need to tell you.
Um *swallows* I love you, Juggie.
I love you too, Betty. Um I have to go but let's talk tomorrow at Pop's at one. Okay?
*slight chuckle* Yeah sounds great.
Bye and uh I love you.
Love you too.

I hung up. That was unexpected. I smiled and giggled slightly. He loves me too.

  I looked up to see everyone smirking at me. I felt blood rush to my cheeks. "You were right..." I confessed. I cannot stop smiling.

  We continued to have the sleepover but half the time I didn't understand half of what the hell we were doing.

  The next morning I got up, got my stuff together, and left. Keep in mind I woke up a twelve and I have to meet Jug at one.

I sat at a booth at Pop's patiently waiting for Jughead. I heard the Pop's bell, I looked over my shoulder too see him standing there looking at me.

  "Hey." I said to him "Hi, Betts." He said back.

  We talked for a little bit before he had to go handle something with the Serpents.

  "I have to go do something with the Serpents but I'll call you later." He told me. "Bye." I said. He smiled and left. My eyes followed with him.

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