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Betty:Just turned 7
~Jughead's POV~
Today's Betty's Birthday. I got her a cat stuffed animal. I hope she likes it. "Okay time for the next gift!" Betty's mom said. She opened mine and she smiled. "Thank you, Juggie! I love it!" She said and hugged me "Your welcome... What are you gonna name it?" I asked her and smiled "Caramel." She answered (a/n:I looked it up).
Jughead:16 1/2
~Betty's POV~
I fell asleep binge watching The Office when I was awoken by a knock on my window. I walked up to it and saw Jughead. "What the fuck, Jug it's..." I checked my phone "1 am! Also next time... Use this thing... Called a door!" I told "Gee, I love you too." He said sarcastically and smirked "It's 1 am, you've awoken me from sleep, and you haven't told me why yet." I told him "I was hoping you'd go to Pop's with me. My dad's drunk so I wanted to get out of the house. And I didn't want to be alone." He said to me "Okay let me get dressed." I said smiled and pecked his lips. When I got out I saw him playing with my stuffed cat Caramel that he gave me a while ago "You still have it?" He asked "Yeah... I kinda sleep with it every night..." I said to him smiling "Awww that's so adorable!" He said "Shut up!" I said blushing. At Pop's we just talked for hours "So let me get this straight in the book they got a dog and named it Jamie Fox Pickle?" He asked me. I told him about how different the book To All The Boys I've Loved Before is to the movie. "Yeah! Although originally Kitty wanted to name it Josh." I explained. He nodded. For a while we just stopped talking and stared at each other "I love you." I said to him. It wasn't the first time we said this to one another, but each time made feel happy. "I love you too." He said to me. I laid my head on his shoulder, I almost fell asleep until he said "Wake up, Betts." He said making me smile. We got into his truck and to my house. He picked me up bridal style to my room. He laid me down on my bed and kissed my head "Good night love." He said to me. He was about to leave until I said "Stay." I mumbled. I was too tired say it louder. Somehow he heard me. "Okay." He said and took of his shoes and shirt and laid next to me. "I love you goodnight." He said "Goodnight I love you too." I said hoping he could hear my through my pillow whilst my face was shoved in it.

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