The Fair

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~Betty's POV~
Lately Riverdale has been at its worst. So of course our town did what it does best... ignore our problems and have a fun event. This time the town has decided to have a fair.

  Veronica and I were walking out of class together as we were walking someone handed everyone papers. She looked at the paper. "A fair? We still do that kind of thing here?" She questioned "I suppose so." I shrugged. "Maybe we could all go. It'd be fun.... maybe you could bring Jughead." She suggested. Jughead is my boyfriend. Lately we've been going through a rough patch. Such we're not far from breaking up and like the town I ignore my problems. "I... don't think Jughead would want to go. He's not one for social gatherings." "Well we can still go with everyone else." I smiled "Sounds fun."

We all went. Even Kevin and Evelyn. They tagged along with us because Veronica thought it would be NiCe tO HaVe tHeIr CoMpAnY. I think that I hate Evelyn and Kevin's been a little bitch lately but I guess that's just me. But I'm still gonna be civil for everyone else's sake.

I got there myself. Archie offered to take me but he was taking Veronica and since they broke up there's been extra tension and I don't need to see their awkward glances. Toni and Cheryl did too but I'm not really one into being a third wheel.

  "Hey, Betty!" Evelyn said walking towards me. "Oh. Hi." I really don't want to talk to her "Bye." I said and walked away. I can't be civil with her. I hate her way too much. And at this point of our rivalry if I'm around her too much I may punch her in the face because she so annoying.

  I continued to play games with Veronica, Archie, Cheryl, and Toni. We were at the ring toss and you'll never guess who I see when I look over. Jughead Jones. Fantastic. He was playing the water gun game with Fangs and Sweet Pea. "I thought he didn't like social gatherings?" Veronica asked "Usually he isn't." I told her "You should talk to him." "Why?" I questioned "Betty you cannot avoid him." "Well I am." "Why? That will just make your situation worse." "I know and I don't care. It's called avoiding my problems in a rude manner and sorry partner but it makes me feel better knowing that he can't break up with me if I don't talk to him." "Ignoring it will not solve anything." "I know you're right. And to be frank with you... I still don't care." "In that case I didn't wanna force your hand but you brought this upon your self." "Wha-" "LOVER BOY!" She called for him.

~Jughead's POV~
I turn around to see Betty at the ring toss. I turn to Fangs. "She's here." I tell Fangs and Sweet Pea. I brought them here as my help I guess you could say. "Okay this is gonna be some Stranger Things type of advice but you're gonna need it." Fangs told me. I looked from him to Betty. "Okay. I'm listening." "She treated you like garbage. Now you treat her like garbage. give.her.the.medicine. And if she doesn't explain herself-" "Dump her ass." Sweet Pea continued. Fangs nodded. "Okay first off you both watch too much tv and second I'm not gonna dump her because she's avoiding me." I told them. Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. "Just go talk to her." Fangs said. Hesitantly I walk towards her.

"Hey, Betts." I said to her and smiled slightly. She had more of a straight face on. "Um hi, Juggie." She said back awkwardly. "Why were you avoiding me?" I asked bluntly. I want to know. Don't judge me. She didn't answer. "Betty. Come on you can tell me." I told her and grabbed her hand. "I-I don't know. It's just right now... we're having some pretty hard times. Last time we were this bad we broke up. That's the last thing I want right now. And I'm sorry, I truly am." "You could've talked to me about it. I would've listened." I told her gently "I know you would. Okay.. I really have to get back to the others. But um you can take me home later or we could hang out at your house... If you want to." She suggested. I smiled slightly. "Sounds great." "Bye, Juggie." She pecked my lips quickly. "Meet you in the parking lot in like.. an hour?" She nodded. I walked back to Fangs and Sweet Pea who were fighting for a dinosaur stuffed animal.

~Betty's POV~
I have to run to catch to everyone else because they randomly decided to go to the next game. When I finally caught up I tapped Veronica on the shoulder. She turned to me. "Thank you so much for waiting for me." I said sarcastically "I'm sorry but they were all leaving and I panicked. I made a snap decision." "It's fine.. where are we even going? The rides are the other way." I asked "I don't know. It was Evelyn's idea to go this way." I stopped in my tracks "I do not trust anything that crackhead says." I told her and walked the other direction. "That's a bit dramatic don't you think?" "Nope. And don't say I didn't say anything when you end up in a ditch chopping up cows to make some tea or something." I yelled as I was walking away. I could feel Veronica's eye roll.

  I rode most of the rides by myself. Which doesn't really bother me I guess. The lines were short because our town is really small. Plus I bought a corn dog. After getting off the ferris wheel I checked my watch to see that I need to meet Jug in the parking lot. I ran to the parking lot and when I got there I saw him waiting for me by his motorcycle. "You came." He said and smiled. I smiled back and nodded. I hugged him. I don't know why I just felt the need to. "I love you." I mumbled "I love you too." He said back.

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