Chapter 25

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A/N:  I have a million and one things to take care of these days but I always remember to be grateful to my readers who are faithfully following my story and are voting and commenting on it.  This is my way of expressing my keeping the romance between Kimmon and Copter alive!

Copter's POV

Thank goodness I don't have any promo shoots or fan meets scheduled for tomorrow.  I won't have to set my alarm for an early start of my day.

This evening's event was an emotional roller coaster for me.  I was so jealous of P'Kim exchanging a hug and exchanging numbers with Nanon.  I don't even know if he's older or younger than me so I don't know if I should use any honorifics when referring to him.  And then a sudden turn of event occurred.  I got paired with Nanon and had to exchange a hug with him.  On top of that,  the fans were shipping us together and just because he also had dimples like me they started naming us "Four Dimples".

I don't know whether to be happy or or to be worried.  I'm happy that fans liked me enough to give me a new "partner" but I'm worried that if enough fans make requests for us to appear together it might cause complications in my relationship with P'Kim.  P'Kim can be very jealous and possessive of me. Of course P'Kim has nothing to be concerned about.  I'm not attracted to Nanon at all especially if he's younger than me.  I prefer a partner who's older than me like P'Kim is.  And of course I love P'Kim too much to be tempted to look in any other direction than his.  He can be a bully at times but I know that he loves me as much as I love him.

I was awakened by my phone's ringtone.  It was a ringtone that I had assigned to my manager.  I looked at the time on the screen and it said eight in the morning.  What the fuck, I thought I had nothing scheduled for today.  I was so looking forward to sleeping longer and just enjoying a lazy day ahead of me.

"Copter,"said my manager, "someone is coming to pick you up.  You have to come to the office to sign a contract."

"What contract?"  I asked.

"You'll see when you get here," he said.

"Will P'Tae and P'Kim and the others also be there?" I asked.

"Just you," he said, "be ready in a half hour."

What the fuck was this all about.

I showered quickly and informed mom over breakfast that I will not be able to spend the day at home as I had planned.  I told her that something had come up and that my manager was sending someone to pick me up and bring me to his office.

Sure enough in exactly half an hour, our housekeeper came to inform me that there was someone at the gate asking for me.  I gave mom a quick kiss and ran to the gate.

Nanon stepped out of the car that was parked in front of my gate.  He held out his hand.  I was tempted not to take it but I knew that it would make me appear rude not to take it.

"We meet again," he said with a bright smile.  "My manager is inside the car waiting for us.  He is driving us to your manager's office."

"Why is that?"  I asked as I entered the car and bowed my head to his manager as a sign of greeting.

"Hello, Copter,"  said Nanon's manager, "your manager and I had this bright idea to have you and Nanon promote a new brand of soda to your fans.  We are hoping that the same fans who are shipping you together will attend the event and will increase the sales of the new brand of soda.  And of course you will both be paid for every appearance and every promotion."

I nodded my head in a daze.  For some reason I had a bad feeling about it all.  Should I refuse to sign the contract?  Will I be in trouble with my manager if I decided not to cooperate with his plans?

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