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I made a list of homophobes I've encountered in my lifetime:

That One Straight girl:
- wants a gay best
- hates lesbians
- fears about getting hit on by a girl.
- stereotypes gay men by constantly asking if they like makeup/women's clothing/feminine things.

The Bro:
- lesbians?? Super hot bro!!!
- hates gay men
- uses slurs as insults "that's gay" "fag" etc.
- thinks bisexual/Pansexual girls are just desperate.

Fake Ally:
- says they support the community
- but then talks shit about gay people.
- has gay friends, but constantly makes fun of them.
- constantly has to bring up the fact that they have gay friends that way people don't think they're homophobic or anything.
- basically does it to make themselves look better in society.

"You were born a boy! That means you're a boy!"
- y'all know who I'm talking about.
- transphobic.
- doesn't necessarily hate gay people, but is still an asshole.
- hates trans people mainly because they've developed feelings for someone who is trans, but didn't realize, so instead, they resent their feelings and end up hating the trans person.
- uses "science" as an excuse.
- calls trans women "freaks" (they are not!!!)
- thinks trans/genderfluid/genderless people are just doing it for attention.

And everyone's personal favorite-

The Come-To-Jesus 40-year- old:

- thinks being Gay is just a new trend because people were too scared to come out in their generation.
- usually a white person.
- uses the Bible as an excuse.
- "I don't want my kids to be around gay people!"
- thinks being gay is a choice.
- describes trans people like "she was born a girl but she has chosen to live her life like a man."
- probably will try and "fix" their child if they come out as gay.

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