Chapter VI

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Roman woke up, feeling dizzy and uncomfortable. He was on his knees, his hands tied behind his back. He couldn't quite remember what had happened, but he was immediately panicking upon finding himself in an unfamiliar location. He was in a room; it was plain, seemingly made out of basic wood like it was intended to be temporary. There was a large bed against the wall, across from where he was. 

"Ah, he wakes," a sickeningly smooth voice said. He looked forward as said person knelt down to his level, grinning evilly. "I got you in exchange for not killing your friend Virgil. Name's Captain Drake, but you can call me De, sweetheart."

The unfamiliar pirate reached out, caressing his cheek as he shuddered. This is what he imagined a pirate would be like, especially as his hand slid down to brush his neck. Roman felt like he was going to cry, not having the slightest idea what he could do about his situation. Just his voice alone was a clear indication of what he wanted, and he was terrified of what he'd be willing to do to get it.

"W-What do you w-want with me?" he asked with a whimper as he met De's remaining eye.

He chuckled deeply, his hand traveling back up to his lips. The action made the prince close his eyes and shrink away as much as he could manage. "I think you know the answer to that," he answered with a seductive smirk, making him whimper yet again as his suspicions were confirmed. "Though it might be better to wait until we've finished packing up the ship. We've got four more keys to find."

Roman's eyes widened as De pulled the key containing a yellow topaz out of his sleeve. It was loosely attached around his wrist. The sight of it reminded him of the one he owned, feeling the cold key against his chest under his shirt more sharply upon remembering its presence. He must not have seen it, which was incredibly lucky for him. What's in that chest that this guy would want? he thought as De moved away. I really hope they didn't hurt him, and that the fact that I have one of the keys means he'll come for me. But he might just come for the key and leave me here since I've already managed to get him into trouble with what seems like an old 'friend'.

"What's your name, pretty boy?" the captain asked as he looked down at the prince. He knew better than to admit he was royalty this time, shaking his head and refusing to answer. "Not going to be cooperative, eh?" De said with a smile that wasn't exactly friendly. He leaned down grabbing his neck and pinching it slightly to make him choke. "When I speak to you, you respond. Am I clear?"

Roman nodded, gasping for breath as he let go and slumped back down onto his knees. His fear and hopelessness was starting to get worse.

"You might be wondering what we pirates are doing building a fort on some tiny, useless island, but until recently, we were searching for this here topaz key," Captain Drake explained. "We've had a little bit of trouble due to this little rat... Luis I think his name was, not that it matters now that I have the key."

The prince recognized that name as the name of Virgil's friend, beginning to wonder for a moment if there was something he could do to help himself or his rescuer, should someone come for him. Usually in situations like this, the more information you have the better, so he got an idea. "May I stand?" he asked, earning a chuckle from the pirate. He nodded, and Roman slowly got to his feet. "What do want with the key?"

"What do keys do?" De countered, turning toward him and smirking. The pirate was looking at him like a piece of meat, and Roman didn't like it. Swallowing his disgust, he decided to play along with the flirting to get the information, playing dumb and fluttering his eyelashes.

"Well, most keys unlock... locks?" he said, smiling innocently. He gave him a raised eyebrow. "But some unlock chests. Is that what you want?"

He stepped closer to Roman, smirking. "I want a lot of things," he said, leaning a little closer to him. "Shiny things, alcohol..."

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