Chapter I

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Prince Roman didn't consider himself a selfish person. He was naturally a little egotistical, being royalty whose had his life handed to him on a silver platter, but he didn't think of himself as truly selfish. He tried to please those around him, which was still kind whether it was simply for being kind or so that he could feel good about himself. At this moment however, he didn't want to please anyone but himself. Perhaps he was being immature with his constant heavy sighs and moping, but was he supposed to celebrate being married to a woman he'd never met?

"Come now, your Highness, you know moping about isn't going to do you any good," his advisor, Logan, scolded, looking at him with annoyance as he sighed yet again. "This marriage will benefit your kingdom immensely, securing its future as well as your fiance's."

Roman sent a glare in his direction, muttering under his breath. "Neither kingdom seems in need of securing. I don't see the point in an arranged marriage right now, especially given I only just turned twenty-one. I've not even had time to adjust to being an adult and now I'm being forced into marriage," he complained, currently not caring how whiny he sounded.

"Your Highness, while you may be correct in that neither kingdom is in a state of insecurity, a marriage bond such as yours will prevent any possible conflicts," Logan responded, voice lined with thinned patience with the prince's immaturity. "And as for your complaint about your age, most princes get married in their younger years so that they have more time to train for running a kingdom someday before the current king steps down."

"Right, that's all anyone ever cares about," the prince seethed, pushing his chair away from the table as he stood up. "Not about how I feel, not about what I want, not about my opinion on the matter whatsoever. I work my hardest my whole life to please you and father, and in return, I'm denied the chance to fall in love."

The stoic advisor let out a sigh of annoyance. "You're being immature, your Highness."

"I'm perfectly aware I'm being immature, Logan!" Roman snapped, getting more and more fed up with him. "I'm perfectly aware, alright? But you just don't understand what you're forcing me into. You could never understand what you're asking me to sacrifice..."

His voice trailed off as he moved to the window of the ship's cabin. Hot tears were beginning to well up in his eyes, causing him to shake his head furiously. It was foolish to cry at this point, especially in front of Logan of all people.

The advisor sighed, moving to stand next to him. "Your Highness, I know it's not ideal for you personally, and I wish there was something I could do to ease your discomfort with the situation," he said, trying to keep in mind that Prince Roman was young and stubborn. "However, this is happening whether it's what you desire or not. Your father wants your future to be prosperous and secure, and this is the best way for that to happen."

"What's the point of prosperity if you're unhappy?" the prince asked quietly as he moved to rub his right wrist. Logan didn't comment as his eyes followed the movement, noticing as strange black mark on the skin when the fabric of his sleeve was pushed back by his hand.

"May I ask what that mark on your wrist is? I don't believe I've ever seen it before," he said curiously as he peered at it. Logan had known the prince since he was a child, so he was shocked to notice something like this late in his life.

Roman reacted immediately, pulling the sleeve back down and putting his hands behind his back as he straightened his posture to make him appear more regal and taller. "No, you may not," he replied, a sharp edge to his words that made his advisor's eyes widen. "I do not wish to discuss it."

"As you wish, I apologize for bringing it up," Logan said, dipping his head apologetically and respectfully. Clearly the topic was a sensitive one if it made the prince react in such a way. The air was tense between them, so he decided to give him some alone time. "If you do not require my presence, I'll take my leave."

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