Chapter IX

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Roman woke up to find that the pirate hadn't left. He was asleep in the chair, still holding his hand. Warmth found its way onto his face as he smiled. He'd been expecting to wake up to see him gone, but he was in fact still there. His heart lurched as he stirred, eyes snapping closed as he pretended to be asleep. He heard the pirate yawn and felt his gaze on him.

Virgil smiled down at the seemingly sleeping prince, brushing his bangs away from his face and bringing his hand up to kiss his knuckles before releasing it. He stood and left the cabin, going to sort out their next location while Roman sat up with a furiously red face. He rubbed the spot on his hand which he'd kissed, feeling confused and yet joyful at the same time.

"I wonder what made him do that," he murmured to himself. The thought crossed his mind that there was a chance Virgil was falling for him similarly to the way he was for him, but he dismissed the possibility of hope for many reasons.

Roman was still to be married once all this was over, and there was no way he was getting his hopes up for his affections to be returned by a pirate.

He doesn't act like a pirate though... he though. I wonder how he got into this life... he said it had been handed to him. I wonder if he's an orphan...

Pushing his thoughts away, he stood from his bed and put on a fresh set of clothes. He was surprised when he left the cabin to find it much earlier in the morning than he'd thought it was. Virgil was the only one out, adjusting their course with his compass. The prince debated with himself about going back inside or going to talk to him. With his hand still tingling from his tiny kiss, he chose his second option. The pirate barely acknowledged his presence physically, but greeted him lightly.

"Morning," he said as Roman yawned. "Still tired are we?"

He nodded and a comfortable silence settled between them for a few minutes. "So... three more keys?" he asked, breaking it.

"Yeah, then I get what I want, and you can go to back to your princess," Virgil replied, making the prince's heart sink. He sighed, nodding as he looked down at the key. The pirate noticed this, feeling guilty. "Arranged marriage, huh?"

Roman rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Such is the life of a royal," he said. "Blessed with riches. Life handed to you on a platter."

"But it's not your life they hand you," the captain said, nodding sympathetically. "Sorry, that must be really terrible."

The prince laughed humorlessly. "I don't exactly have the right to complain," he said, getting him to look at him. "I don't think I belong under a crown, and yet I have one, multiple. I have a claim to a kingdom. I have the title and been treated like royalty all my life, but something's always felt off."

He realized he was rambling when he looked to see Virgil staring at him with wide eyes. "Sorry, you probably don't want to hear my life story," he said, flushing with embarrassment. The pirate didn't know how to respond at first, but eventually spoke up.

"I know how you feel," he said, not looking toward him. "I don't always feel like I belong here either."

"Sailing and everything?" Roman questioned.

Virgil shook his head with a smile. "No, no, I love the sea and sailing," he said, moving away from the helm to climb up on the railing of the ship. He gripped one of the ropes as he leaned into the wind, letting it blow through his hair and hit his face. The prince watched him in awe at the way he looked when he was like this. He looked so alive and happy. "I know I belong here, out at sea, but it's in this world."

The pirate jumped down from the railing, sighing as he looked out at the water. "This world is messed up," he said with an empty laugh. "Everyone tells you who you are before you even have the chance to figure it out yourself. People like us have been made wrong, because it's not how most people feel. What's the point in being here if you're forced not to be who you are?"

"What's the point of living a lie?" Roman asked in agreement, nodding. They were quiet for a bit before he put a hand on Virgil's back. "At least out here there's no one to tell us what we should be."

The captain smiled, eyes glistening with mischief. "Careful your Highness," he said with a wink. "You're beginning to talk like a pirate."

Roman leaned against the railing, letting the wind blow at his hair as he sighed calmly with a smile on his face. He was strangely at peace in his situation, not minding this as much as a normal person would. The prince glanced the pirate, who was moving toward the helm. A smile found its way onto his face as he looked away with a slight blush on his cheeks.

I don't think he realizes how good looking he is, he thought, biting his lip as he halfheartedly scolded himself. You shouldn't go falling for him, you know he's trouble and you're technically engaged.

The prince looked over his shoulder again, taking in his appearance for a brief moment until Virgil glanced his way. He caught you staring, Roman said to himself as he quickly looked away, face going red. Crap, don't look over at him. He's too enticing, and you can't go falling for him. This adventure won't last forever, and it's just going to hurt more if you let yourself fall for him.

The captain smirked to himself a little as warm flooded his chest. "Your fiancé is a lucky woman," he said, not looking over at Roman as he turned at the sound of his voice.

"What do you mean?" he asked, clearly confused. "She has to marry possibly the gayest prince in the world. She'll be chained to someone who can't fall in love with her for the entirety of her life, and there's nothing she or I can do to prevent it. I don't see that as lucky."

Virgil laughed to himself, earning an even more confused smile from the prince as he kept his gaze on him. "What?"

"You're too close minded," the pirate told him, smiling over at him. Roman's heart lurched at the sight despite himself. "There's more that being with someone than needing to be in love. From what I've learned about you, you're a very kind person. You may not seem like it at first, but you're extremely thoughtful and caring. I can tell you'd put her first and try your hardest to make her happy despite not being her 'ideal' prince. I can tell you'd make her laugh and comfort her, becoming her best friend if you can't be her true love."

He looked at him with wide eyes, feeling as though he was looking right through him directly into his soul. Virgil turned his gaze back to the horizon in front of them. "If I was her, I would feel extremely lucky to be marrying you."

"You would?" Roman asked softly.

This made the pirate laugh a little, still smiling as he turned back to him. He took a step towards him, reaching up to gently pinch his cheek playfully. "And you're adorable too," he said with a nod. The prince's face flushed, unsure of whether or not he was making fun of him. The hand pinching him moved to just cup his cheek as he smiled at him. "Yes Princey, I would."

The sincerity in the captain's voice convinced him, making Roman smile happily. His gaze fell to his shoes as he thought about it. All your life, you've had to feel like no man could ever love you back, and then this pirate waltzes into your life, kidnaps you while you're on your way to your wedding, and somehow makes you feel happier than you've ever felt in your life, his thoughts told him.

"It's nice to know that someone would feel that way," he replied quietly, smiling gratefully as he brought his eyes back up to Virgil's. He reached up, putting a hand over the pirate's. "You're actually a really nice guy, Virgil."

"Glad you think so," he replied with a genuine smile and quick wink before he pulled away, leaving Roman to watch him go with a love struck grin across his lips. "Most people get the wrong impression."

He hummed, laughing slightly. "It's the coal on the eyes," the prince said, nodding to himself. He laughed at his answer from behind the helm, beaming down at him. He nodded, smirking. 


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