Chapter IV

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Roman woke up slowly, immediately remembering he was on a ship upon hearing the sound of the crew shouting and feeling the rocking of the ocean waves against the vessel. "Morning sleeping beauty," a familiar voice greeted with a deep laugh. It took the prince's eyes a moment to focus on the pirate sitting on the edge of the bed. Blinking rapidly at the realization, he felt his cheeks warm. "I don't know how long you're used to sleeping, but you can't sleep all day on a ship. You'll regret it."

He sat up, yawning before a sudden thought came to mind. He scowled as he turned to look at him with an accusing face. "Were you watching me sleep?" he questioned, earning another laugh.

"Just for a little while, you're quite pretty when you sleep," Virgil said, flashing him a smug smile as his face grew red. He'd just directly complimented him, and watching someone sleep was an intimate gesture that made Roman's heart rate pick up. "Now, get up. I want you out and about the ship today."

The prince was confused as the pirate got up. When he moved to stand up, he realized he was shirtless, gasping as he covered his chest with the blanket. "W-Where- did you- where's my shirt!?" he asked frantically.

"Oh calm down, I found you passed out against the railing in the middle of the night," the captain told him with a wave of his hand. He didn't sound concerned with it. "You're welcome for the second time, because you'd probably be sick if I'd left you out there. Or you might've fallen overboard and drowned."

"What does that have to do with my shirt?" Roman questioned, blushing furiously as he found it lying on the end table nearby.

Virgil gave him a genuinely confused and intrigued look. "You sleep with your shirt on?" he asked, raising an eyebrow as he tilted his head. The prince blushed at the questions, seeing as his sleeping habits weren't something he discussed with anyone. 

"Well... no... but you didn't have to take it off for me," he explained as he pulled it over his head.

The captain chuckled at little, smiling as he moved toward him. Roman froze up as he reached up to place his hands on his shoulders. His hands squeezed ever so slightly as they moved down his sides, as if he was testing out the touch. It made the prince's entire body shiver as his breath hitched. "I'm not sorry," he murmured flirtatiously, eyes half lidded as he looked at him. "In case it wasn't obvious, I find you extraordinarily attractive."

The comment was meant to be playful to get a laugh out of him, but it made Roman's face fall as he sighed. He took a step away from him, feeling bitterness clawing up his throat. "Right, thanks," he mumbled, disappointment clear in his voice.

The pirate looked confused, opening his mouth to say something before closing it to ponder something. After another moment or two he spoke again, clearing his throat. "Do join me at the helm when you're ready," he told him as he turned to leave.

The prince sighed once he was alone, disappointment and frustration washing over him. Roman had been hoping that there was something else he saw in him than just being good looking, but that was clearly all Virgil cared about. He was mad at himself for even getting his hopes up; he should no better than to expect his feelings about for a pirate to be genuinely returned.

It's not like it matters anyway, he thought bitterly. You're still going to be getting married to princess what's-her-name after all of this, if you don't end up dying during this quest to get the four remaining keys.

At the thought, the prince reached up to his shirt, slightly shocked to find the key still on its chain. He'd been expecting the captain to steal it and give him some excuse not to need him, as he was starting to think all his kind words from the night before had all been lies. What reason did Virgil have to be honest with him, his captor? What reason did he truly have to keep him around? Surely he could just break into the palaces, he didn't need to take a peaceful approach being a pirate.

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