Chapter XIX

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Roman's eyes fluttered open and after a moment, they focused on the face of someone laying beside him. Their arms were wrapped around his shoulders, and he realized that his own arms were curled around his waist. He blinked as he remembered it was Virgil.

I thought we feel asleep spooning, he thought absentmindedly as he subconsciously curled into the pirate's chest more. I guess we turned around in the night... he's really warm...

He recalled the night before, remembering the argument and the discussion of what they were to one another. Virgil had said he was quite fond of him, that he'd be happy to have him by his side. It warmed his heart and made him smile as he looking up at the sleeping pirate's face. Up close, he could see lots of tiny little scars that littered his face; there were small cuts on his jaw, the bridge of his nose, and his eyebrow. Roman couldn't help the way his heart throbbed at the thought of him getting hurt. 

The captain suddenly shifted and yawned, eyes slowly opening as he woke up. He looked down at him, blinking in surprise to see him looking back. "Oh, morning," he said sleepily, smiling a little. 

The prince returned the smile. "Morning..." he replied burying his face into his chest. "You're comfy. I don't want to get up." 

"Well," he chuckled, reaching up to run his fingers through Roman's hair. "I'm afraid we won't be able to get the amber and sapphire keys from Luis from this bed, although I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to stay here."

 He smiled at that, feeling a little better when the captain pulled away from their embrace. Virgil moved to grab his regular clothes. They'd slept in their suits from the night before, and they were rumpled and too fancy looking to just wear in public without drawing attention. He went into the bathroom and emerged a few minutes later looking like his old self. The coal under his eyes had returned and the ruggedness of his pirate clothes suited him much more than the suit from the party in the prince's opinion.

Roman was still laying in bed when the pirate looked at him. "Come on, Princey," he said, shaking his head as he rounded to his side. "You've gotta get up."

"I don't wanna!" he whined, flipping over to burying his face into the pillow. 

Virgil chuckled to himself as he pulled the covers off of him, eliciting a sharp whine from the prince. "Geez, is this how hard it is for your servants to get you out of bed back home? I feel bad for them," he said flipping him over.

"Hey, I never get to sleep in, give me a break," he complained, pouting as he finally sat up.

"You are adorable when you're angry," the pirate said, grinning. "Now come on, go get changed and we'll head out to meet Luis. If you're lucky, I'll even buy you a pastry or something from town before we leave."

Roman sighed exaggeratedly and hauled himself out of bed, trudging toward the bathroom with his change of clothes. Once in the bathroom, he stripped and changed into the admittedly more comfortable clothes the captain had given him. As much as he enjoyed being regal and well dressed, it felt nice to be dressed simply and comfortably. When he came out of the bathroom, Virgil was holding the emerald and topaz keys. He looked lost in thought as he traced the gemstones. 

"You okay?" he asked softly. 

The pirate jumped, looking at him in surprise. "Oh, yes, I'm just feeling a little... nostalgic, I suppose," Virgil replied, tucking the keys away. "It's nothing, we should get going if you're ready."

The prince nodded and they gathered their things. They walked together out of the inn and through the town, stopping at the bakery. True to his word, Virgil bought him a muffin on their way out of the city. He nibbled on it happily as they made their way into the forest. The captain chuckled to himself at the joy on his face. 

"You don't get to eat sweets much, do you?" he asked curiously.

"Nope! This is a blessing!" Roman said with a smile as he finished the muffin. 

They continued on their way down to the forest near the beach where they were supposed to meet Luis. The captain had explained that he and the prince would be going to go to the chest by themselves, that it shouldn't take them too long once his brother gave them the remaining keys. After about another hour and a half of walking, the sun was starting to slip toward the horizon, turning the sky a warm orange as they reached the edge of the forest. Luis' ship was anchored off shore, and the captain of said ship was approaching them.

"Hey brother," he greeted, hugging Virgil with a smile. He then handed him the amber and sapphire keys and nodded in greeting to Roman. "There you go, the last two keys."

"Thank you Luis, I appreciate your help so much," the pirate said, hugging him again. 

He smiled as they pulled away. "I should probably let you know that your advisor showed up," he said, addressing the prince. "He and this other guy, they found the sapphire key. They ended up giving it to me in exchange for coming here with us."

"Logan's here?" he asked in astonishment. 

"Yeah, he and his friend Patton are staying in town until you two have completed your deal," Luis explained. "He's really set on not going anywhere without you. Apparently you've got a wedding to attend to."

Virgil looked at Roman at the same time Roman looked at him. Their eyes locked as the same phrase played again in their minds. A wedding to attend to; the prince had forgotten about the wedding. He looked away from the pirate's unreadable gaze, feeling uncomfortable at the thought. 

"Thank you for the information, and bringing the keys to me," the captain said, talking to his brother. "You can go back to your men now. I'll write to you if I need your help. Thank you, again, seriously."

Luis nodded with a smile, hugging him once more before turning and walking away toward his ship. The two of them were silent for a moment before Virgil spoke up again. "Come on, Princey..." he said quietly. "We've got go set up camp for the night. It looks like a storm's coming in."

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