Chapter 1

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Beacon Academy, the huntsman training academy of Vale. The school sat at the top of a cliff overlooking the city across the inlet below. The new semester was about to start, and the large airships carrying Beacon's new and returning students began their final descent towards the many large circular landing pads at the cliff's edge. When the ships landed and their ramps extended, the students started to flood off the ships in torrents most eager to see Beacon with their own eyes. Others were just anxious to be off the ships and a few needed to find a place to relieve themselves of their motion sickness. One of the last people off of one of the airships was a tall girl with snow white hair that had a small turquoise streak in her bangs that was short on one side and long on the other draped on her shoulder and deep blue eyes.

She wore a black and blue military long coat like a cloak buttoned up only at the very top allowing its flaps to fly in the wind, matching baggy pants, a small white top beneath exposing her stomach to the world, and dark silver light armor that protected most of everything essential. She gazed at the towering academy before her filling her lungs with air, she then turned back to the ship behind her when she heard a familiar voice call her name. "Oisira! Wait up!" A small smile crept on her face as the person that called out to her raced down the ramp next and came to her side. The girl was a light brown skinned individual with long metallic turquoise hair that reached the center of her spine in length and matching eyes. She wore a small long sleeved white jacket with outer pockets, a light blue top with a matching skirt, and a pair of black leggings and steel plated boots and gloves protecting her knuckles and joints.

The girl to took her turn to gaze upon Beacon tower ahead of them with a smile of her before she reached into her pockets for her scroll.

"What are you doing Mithril?" Oisira asked glancing over her shoulder,

"Messaging aunt Crystal to let her know we made it to Beacon safe and sound. You know how worried she gets sometimes," Mithril answered without looking over at her friend. The white haired girl let a small and short chuckle escape her lips.

"For someone who despises her family, you sure care about your aunt."

"She's the only blood relative I've got that isn't consumed by their greed, naturally I'd cherish it." Oisira began to ruffle her hair, which Mithril responded to with a groan.

"You better not leave your best friend out of that train," the turquoise haired girl forced her friend's hand out of her hair.

"You know I wouldn't!" With a few more taps to the scroll's screen, Mithril had a message typed and sent. She then eyed Beacon academy once more, "here! Let's get a picture in before we go, I want to remember our years here." Oisira was a bit hesitant, but reluctantly agreed and wrapped an arm around her friend pulling her close and turning them around so the academy would be in the background when they took the picture. Moments later, the scrolls shutter clicked and happy with the result; Mithril pocketed her scroll. "Let's split up and look around before the opening ceremony," again her friend was hesitant before deciding against denying the turquoise haired girl's wishes.

As if she had put on a mask, Oisira's face changed to one of calm and indifference and gave Mithril a silent goodbye as she picked a direction and wandered away. The turquoise haired girl too decided on a path to go and left the airship behind her as the remaining students climbed off.

Across the courtyard on the western landing platform, a cloaked girl stepped off the airship's ramp and slowly began to take in her surroundings. She had short ash grey hair with crimson red eyes and had orange-red reptilian scales that went down from her face to her neck, her hands, and the feet in her red steel plated boots. She also wore a small red zip up jacket with a black t-shirt beneath, a matching pair of pants with a leather belt that helped keep them in place, and armored gauntlets protecting both of her hands.

Team OMEN: the Exception Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now