Chapter 6

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Light flashed behind the dark clouds followed by the vicious roar of thunder as the air cracked apart. The storm had started less than ten minutes ago, but the light rain quickly became a harsh downpour and the lightning soon followed. Today team OMEN didn't have classes so naturally they did whatever they felt like while the time passed. Mithril laid on her bed playing a game on her scroll, Neon sat at one of the two desks studying, and Oisira and Esther had left the dorm earlier the latter choosing to wander the academy while the former decided to train somewhere since combat class the day before, while fun, didn't calm the still pumping adrenaline in her body. Mithril began to grow bored of her game and moved to close and put down her scroll to glance at Neon, she stared at him for a full minute before finally addressing him.

“Do you do anything other than study Neon? You and Weiss are at the top of our class, maybe even our year…” her green haired teammate took a quick look at her at the corner of his eye pausing before darting back to the papers and books on the desk.

“Yes I do, it is just that we are currently attending one of the four most prestigious huntsman academies in all of Remnant and I think that despite the fact that today is our day off; we should use our time wisely and excel.” Another minute passed before he sighed and shoved whatever he was writing into one of the various books on his desk and closed it turning his full attention to Mithril, “though if you must insist, I am open to another sort of activity should you have one in mind.” That had Mithril thinking of something they could do, after not being able to come up with anything off the top of her head, she got up from her bed and began searching their dorm room for anything they had that they could play or do. Eventually she found a folded up chess board amongst Neon's stuff with checkers and chess pieces, Mithril didn't know the rules to chess so they decided to play the former laying the board out on the floor and sat across from each other as they played. Several moves later, Esther returned to the room opening the door to see her teammates sprawled out on the floor playing their game too focused to pay attention to the dragon Faunus that walked in.

She scanned the room seeing that everyone but Oisira was present,

“Oisira's not back yet?”

“Nope, she'll probably be back when the rain stops.” Answered Mithril not turning away from the game in front of her,

“What does that have to do with it?”

“She's probably found a spot to train outside if she isn't already back now.”

“She's training out in the storm?! Why?!” Mithril groaned as Neon took her last piece with a smirk telling her that she lost. She turned to her confused teammate as Neon moved to set up another round of their checkers game,

“Oisira has always enjoyed the rain, every chance she's had to train under a storm she's taken. She used to do this all the time back in combat school, it's nothing new.”

“Did she ever tell you why she does this?”

“There's nothing she hasn't told me, at least to my knowledge anyway. She told me that the rain keeps her cool as she trains so she'll be able to train longer than if she did otherwise, and she likes the sound; it helps her focus and sleep at night.” Esther took a moment to process her teammate's words before walking past her towards the closed window as the rain battered against it, the dragon Faunus could make out part of the courtyard a few floors below them. She watched the trees give in to the will of the gales of wind throwing water against their window and many others while the sky lit up and roared loudly.

“I hope she knows what she's doing,” Esther muttered as the rain beat against the glass.

“She'll be fine Esther, the worst that could happen is her catching a cold. While that has happened before, it's become rarer as time passed. Why are you suddenly so worried?” Neon was curious about that last part too turning away from their game with full attention on his partner waiting for an answer.

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