Chapter 7

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“Wow… this place is beautiful,” Mithril said turning in circles taking in her surroundings. Oisira couldn't help but agree with her partner, in fact; beautiful may not be enough to describe it. Teams OMEN, RWBY, JNPR, and CRDL all now stood in Forever Fall Forest lead by professor Goodwitch on a field trip for some of the first year students. This was the place Oisira had seen when she used her future sight two days before and just like she had said, it was even more breathtaking being there in person. The red leaves of the forest covered as much of the ground as they did the trees crunching beneath their feet as everyone walked, there really wasn't a word that Oisira could come up with other than beautiful to describe it all.

“Yes students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful.” Goodwitch said from the front of the group, “but we are not here to sightsee. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside the forest and I'm here to make sure that none of you die while doing so.” She stopped and turned to face them, causing Jaune to bump into Cardin. He tried to play it off with a nervous whistle when Cardin looked at him with rage on his face, Oisira watched and felt her determination renew at the sight of what she was going to do today.

“Each of you is to gather one jar’s worth of red sap; however, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm.” Oisira had kinda figured, both because of her visions, and because professor Goodwitch being here kinda made that obvious. “So be sure to stay by your teammates, we will rendezvous back here at four o’clock. Have fun.”

“So that's what the jars are for,” commented Mithril turning to Jaune eyeing the jars he carried. After each student had a jar, the teams began to separate and head into the forest; Oisira stayed behind for a moment to watch the interaction between Jaune and Cardin.

“C’mon buddy, let's go.” Said the bully stopping team JNPR’s leader as he tried to go off with his actual friends. Looking grim of face as Pyrrha turned to him, he couldn't seem to refuse Cardin and left with team CRDL. His partner sighed and followed the rest of her team into the forest looking disappointed,

Don't worry Pyrrha, I'll fix this and put some sense back into Jaune. Thought Oisira watching her go, she then turned to Mithril and the rest of team OMEN as they too went deeper into the forest. She approached her friend and grabbed her wrist making her pause, the turquoise haired girl turned to the person that grabbed her.

“Hmm? Oh Oisira! You need something?”

“Can I talk to you for a moment? Away from the others?” Mithril thought that was a bit odd, but she complied.

“Umm, sure I don't see why not.” Oisira, still holding her partner's wrist, she lead her towards a secluded area within the forest far enough away for no one to hear anything they said, but close enough to keep Jaune at least in sight. Still confused as Oisira scanned their surroundings, Mithril decided to start the conversation.

“So… what did you want to talk about Oisira?” Her leader darted her sight to her.

“Yesterday while I was visiting team RWBY at their dorm, I was able to somehow trigger my future sight.” That caught Mithril off guard,

“It happened again?! What did you see?!”

“They were only images, but besides us being here today, something is going to happen to Jaune and Cardin.” To Mithril, it sounded bad because more often than not, Oisira's future sight always showed something bad that could occur; but before she could ask anything about it, her friend cut her off. “I have a plan, but none of you can get involved with it; not even you. You are free to tell only Neon and Esther about this, but don't let them interfere. Do you understand?” Mithril was hesitant before she nodded, “good, also sorry about putting this on you; but I need you to collect my sample of tree sap for me.” Oisira handed her friend her jar not giving her the chance to reject.

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