Chapter 5

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Weeks have passed since the drama that occurred in Grimm Studies, Ruby and Weiss appeared to have made up and school proceeded normally without any more major problems amongst any of the three teams. Today team OMEN and friends were sitting closeby to each other in combat class watching as a match went down on stage, Jaune Arc verses Cardin Winchester. Cardin, leader of team CRDL, was a large male student with short orange hair and dark violet eyes often seen dressed in steel silver trimmed with gold and yellow armor with a black shirt and pair of pants beneath it. He wielded a large mace weapon probably as big as his ego, the entire school considered him and his team jerks and bullies for that's exactly what they were. While everyone would've liked to see Jaune beat him, that wasn't what they were going to see today; Jaune was losing, badly. He currently was paused trying to catch his breath while Cardin watched letting out a chuckle to taunt him,

“Come on…” whispered Jaune between his breathing. He then rose his weapon and lunged forward roaring only to miss his strike and then get thrown across the stage dropping is shield as Cardin landed a devastating blow with his mace, Oisira face palmed as she watched him get up and two hand his sword before charging again at his foe. Cardin blocked the blade with the shaft of his weapon and easily pushed Jaune back with minimum effort,

“This is the part where you lose.”

“Over my dead-” Jaune replying before receiving a blow of the knee to his gut taking the wind out of him and making him fall to the ground only able to watch as Cardin raised his mace ready to land a final strike. Oisira felt herself rise from her seat slightly ready to jump on that stage and tackle the bully down before a loud buzzer sounded and Cardin faltered lowering his weapon.

“Cardin, that's enough.” announced professor Goodwitch, the boy then proceeded to walk off to the side of the stage not paying attention to the look team OMEN’s leader was giving him. “Students, as you can see Mr. Arc’s aura has dropped into the red. In a tournament style duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle and that the official may call the match.” She began to turn towards Jaune, “Mister Arc, it's been weeks now please try to refer to your scroll during combat; gauging your aura will help you to decide when it is appropriate to attack or when it's better to move to a more… defensive strategy.” Jaune made a small distressed sound, “we wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowulf, now would we?” There were at least eleven people in that room that could answer that.

“Speak for yourself…” Cardin chimed in as he began walking off the stage, Oisira heard Mithril snarl making her happy to not be the only one want to beat Cardin’s face in.

“Remember everyone! The Vytal Festival is only a few months away,” team RWBY seemed quite motivated at this which team OMEN couldn't lie, they were too. “It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing. Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale.” The bell for lunch then rang and students began to disperse with team JNPR a little later than the others as they made their way to the cafeteria to fill their hungering stomachs. The three teams all sat at the same set of tables with team OMEN next to team RWBY who were across from team JNPR, basic small talked ensured until Nora brought up a dream she recently had. Ren rolled his eyes as his partner started speaking,

“So… there we were… in the middle of the night…”

“It was day…” Ren stated Mithril let giggled at that knowing the types of shenanigans that often happen with those two. Neon was studying while eating lunch so he wasn't entirely paying attention and Esther wasn't all that intrigued, but listened anyway. Oisira turned to the others to see who else was paying attention, Blake had her face in a book, Yang seemed interested, Weiss was focused on her nails, Ruby, Jaune, and Pyrrha seemed to be somewhere else looking stressed not giving any indication that they were listening or not, and Ren she knew was listening for he made a comment after every sentence that left Nora's mouth.

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