Chapter 3

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All twelve students were now gathered together and after a few introductions, it was time to formulate a plan.

"Guys, that thing's circling back. What are we gonna do?" Jaune asked worried,

"I say we need to get it off our backs somehow," Oisira answered.

"While it does sound logical, we do not have an actual plan to do so and we only have so much time," Neon explained.

"Look, there's no sense in dilly dallying, our objective is right in front of us." Weiss pointed out,

"She's right, our mission is to grab an artifact and make it back to the cliffs." Ruby added on nodding at the heiress who nodded back, "there's no point in fighting these things."

"Run and live? That's an idea I can get behind," Jaune replied.

"It hasn't failed us yet, so why stop now?" Esther said glancing at her partner who only responded by pushing up his glasses. And so everyone who hadn't grabbed a relic before the chaos took turns collecting one, Ruby picked the white knight, Jaune took the white rook, and Neon chose the white bishop. Esther eyed the still struggling Deathstalker and noticed the ice starting to crack,

"That thing's going to break free soon."

"Time we left," said Ren.

"Right, let's go." Answered Ruby, the young huntress then lead the charge as the twelve hunters and huntresses ran for the cliffside with the Nevermore soon flying overhead. Everyone along with their designated partner each took cover behind the ancient stone pillars jutting up from the ground within what looked to be the remains of an old civilization. The massive bird Grimm landed on a large stone obelisk blocking the students from getting to the cliffs crying out at them, there was no way to avoid fighting now.

"Well that's great," complained Yang. Large footsteps behind them had Jaune, Pyrrha, Esther, and Neon turning away from the Nevermore and towards the now quickly approaching Deathstalker.

"Oh man, run!" Screamed Jaune as he and his partner took off away from their cover with Esther and Neon not far behind. Ruby and Yang came out of their cover as well along with Ren and Nora and the rest of their group.

"Nora distract it!" the ginger haired girl quickly ran out into the range of the Nevermore avoiding the storm of feathers it sent her way, she then pulled out her weapon; a large silver and pink hammer and grenade launcher called Magnhild, and began firing at the bird Grimm. One shot was a successful strike to its face causing it to veer away as more shots came close to hitting, unaware of the oncoming Deathstalker however; she didn't get the chance to defend herself before it attempted to smack her with one of its pincers. Though she was saved by the combined effort of Ren, Black, and Neon slashing at its face stunning it just long enough for Weiss and Esther to grab Nora and pull her out of harm's way. The five students then, followed by the scorpion Grimm, ran for one of the ancient stone bridges not far behind Jaune and Pyrrha and the rest of the group.

"Go! Go!" Yelled Pyrrha as she quick whirled around and converted her red and bronze colored spear, Milò, into a rifle and began firing at the beast along with Ren with his Stormflower gunblades, Neon, and one shot from Esther before the Deathstalker tried to grab them which everyone within range avoided. Everyone continued running down that bridge even as the Nevermore, out of the blue, came back around and crashed through it destroying the stone they were originally standing on. Now the group was split up with Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Jaune, Nora, Oisira, and Mithril on one side of the bridge and Pyrrha, Ren, Blake, Neon, and Esther on the other. The smaller group of students were now facing the Deathstalker as they had little room that the monster could not reach despite not being able to crawl onto the bridge. Jaune noticing that they were having some difficulties, ran to the edge of his stone bridge side leaving the rest of his side to fight the Nevermore;

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