Chapter 8

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Hmm… how would I go about doing this?” Oisira pondered to herself with her hand on her chin as she stared at her weapon and several blueprints sprawled out on a large wooden table in front of her in Beacon academy’s weapon forge. This was the place you would go to repair weapons and armor and take whatever dust you needed provided by the school, it was very warm in the room as the fires from the several furnaces roared and burned brightly. As of recently, Oisira had decided she wanted to upgrade her Silver Crusader somehow; but she wasn't entirely sure on how without completely deconstructing it in the process so she was limited to only a minor upgrade if any at all. She had created blueprints for her weapon for emergency purposes and times like this to help her should she want to alter it, but her brain was void of ideas. Trapped in her thoughts, she didn't notice the other student that had entered the room until they had addressed her.

“Oisira?” The girl jumped nearly knocking magazines for the Silver Crusader, all of which had dust rounds inside, off of the table before quickly peering over her shoulder to see none other than Ruby Rose staring at her with curiosity gleaming in her silver eyes. “Did I scare you just now? I'm sorry.” Oisira sighed,

“It's okay Ruby, do you need me?”

“No, I was just wondering what you were doing is all.”

“Well… I've been thinking about giving my weapon an upgrade. With the Vytal festival getting closer and the rate that everyone is improving, I want to give myself an extra edge, you know?” Ruby nodded,

“I totally get it! Got any ideas?” Oisira took a moment to think,

“I don't want to do anything that involves completely rebuilding my Silver Crusader that's for sure… hmm…” Oisira spotted Crescent Rose on Ruby’s back. “You might be the perfect person to go to for this actually…”


“Draw Crescent Rose for me. I know we've gone over it before, but remind me of what it can do.” Ruby, enjoying the chance to pull out her beauty that is Crescent Rose, took the weapon from its spot on her back and let the weapon unfold into its scythe form in front of them. She cleared her throat,

“Crescent Rose is my customizable, high impact, gun scythe able to fold and unfold into both and can be compact for easy storage…” Ruby continued to blabber on as Oisira examined the weapon closely, she'd done this before the time she visited team RWBY’s dorm for the first time; but it was still just as impressive. Crescent Rose was heavily armor plated especially around the blade and was able to fire gun rounds no matter which form it was in, the girl must've received high marks the day that weapon was made.

“Did I ever tell you that weapon is very advanced?” Ruby paused her ranting to answer the question,

“Yours is advanced too! Not only is it a gun scythe like mine, but its gun has two different modes and it can also become a sword and an axe!”

“Mine doesn't do all that folding and unfolding stuff though, and didn't you say that Crescent Rose can shoot in either form?”


“My Silver Crusader can't do that, the gun’s barrel is also the shaft of the axe and scythe and the trigger moves with the blade. I can fire rounds while the weapon is in its gun forms and sword form, but not otherwise; and if it could, it would probably only be a hindrance for I'd have to reach for the trigger…” a thought suddenly occurred. “unless I add a second trigger that only comes out when the right mechanism is activated…” While it was a good idea, it didn't feel like it was enough. “But I feel like just adding another trigger alone wouldn't be enough of an improvement… it needs something else to go with it.” Oisira brought her attention from Crescent Rose to its welder, “what else can it do? That can't be all right?” Ruby had to take a moment to think before she remembered something.

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