Chapter 9

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Waking up the next morning and the morning after that was probably one of the most stressful things Oisira had ever done, it was weekend so they had no classes both days; but Esther hadn't returned. Team OMEN’s leader sighed as she took in the sight of her teammate's empty bed, how and why was she suddenly so invested in her friends and team? There was a time when she didn't care about anyone or anything but revenge and she was content, but now only after several months at Beacon did she grow soft; too soft maybe. She spent the first day searching Vale for Esther and Blake with her team and friends having no clue where they could possibly be and that was how she'd likely spend the second. Oisira got ready for the day and awaited for Mithril and Neon to do the same before they left Beacon and stepped into Vale for the third time in search of their friends soon alongside Ruby, Yang, and begrudgingly, Weiss. Oisira made sure to stay as far away from the heiress as possible as their search continued,

“They've been gone all weekend…” said a sad Ruby,

“Blake and Esther are big girls, I'm sure they can handle themselves.” Weiss replied,

“Weiss, come on. They're our friends.” Yang commented,

“Are they? We all heard what they said.”

“Weiss…” Ruby chimed in,

“Maybe they are, maybe they aren't.” Yang explained,

“They are Yang, don't say things like that.” Oisira ordered,

“Either way, they're missing and we need to find them.”

“A member of the White Fang, two of them! Right underneath our noses!” Weiss replied,

“You don't know that, you're just saying that cause you're mad.” Oisira retorted with venom in her voice that threatened the heiress safety, if this bickering didn't stop; team RWBY or team OMEN were likely going to be another member short by the end of the day.

“Actually-” Neon began before getting cut off by Mithril,

“Don't start Neon, unless you have something to say that would help us find our teammates.” the boy reigned in his tongue and went silent,

“I just hope they're okay.” Said Ruby earning a sigh from Oisira,

“I do too Ruby, I do too.”

Blake and Esther sat side by side in the outdoor section of a small, but humble café on the downtown side of Vale across from the blonde monkey Faunus from two days before who's name turned out to be Sun. The girls happened upon him the night they ran from their teams where Esther got to see a pair of cat ears atop Blake's head that were usually hidden beneath the bow she always wore, it was quite a revelation to say the least. The three of them each with a cup of tea in hand, (in Sun's case he had his tail holding up his cup) sat in silence save for the tinking of the ceramic teacups, their breathing, and the sipping of tea. Blake and Esther had remained mostly quiet throughout their time with Sun, but today they finally felt like breaking the silence; they looked at each other for silent confirmation before one of them began to speak.

“So…” Blake started taking the monkey Faunus from his drink mid sip, “you wanna know more about me?”

“About us?” Esther added, Sun was unresponsive for a moment before he swallowed the tea in his mouth and raised his arms in the air.

“Finally, you two speak! Nearly two days and you've given me nothing but small talk and weird looks.” An annoyed expression appeared on both girls’ faces, “yeah! Like that.” Blake rolled her eyes while Esther released a sigh.

“To be fair, your appearance was a bit sudden and we still don't know why you-” the cat Faunus raised a hand silencing her friend.

“Sun… are you familiar with the White Fang?” Esther twitched,

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