Forty-Nine: The Reveal

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Thanks to loyaltylollys for this BEAUTIFUL banner.

Previously on PFS…

Olivia found out Rena’s secret because Rena was talking about it with Holly in the bathroom. Rena, in utter shock, went home sick and thought about how to get out of the situation. While she was home, Liam, urged by Nadia, tried to put a box on the front door (allegedly full of bad stuff), but was seen by Rena. Liam and Rena talked and gave each other apologies and forgiveness. Liam said that he would still try to win over Rena. Kurt came home shouting about how Olivia now knows the secret and Rena starts panicking from the amount of people in her house. Uranus finally comes and talks to her and they come to the conclusion that Rena will indeed show up without her fat suit… but will she? DUN DUN DUNNNNN

Chapter Forty-Nine: The Reveal

Tick. Tick. Tick.

It was the sound of my time of living two lives running out. With each tick, I felt my heart grow heavier, my mind more muddled, and my stomach more squeamish. It got so bad that I had to remove myself from my room and away from any clocks.

I ended up in my backyard, huddled in a blanket on the bench. The light was barely out and everything just seemed kind of dead.

I really didn’t want to do this. It was basically the same as digging my own grave or jumping into piranha-infested waters.

The only reason I was up was because I was too afraid to go back to sleep. At least when I was awake, I was less susceptible to the scary images that my dreams had produced last night.

What a fucking liar. I can’t believe she lied to everyone for two years.

Whatever. She’s still a bitch, not a fat one, but still a bitch.

The comments people were bound to make tomorrow came rushing back into my head along with looks of disgust and pure hatred aimed at me. But not all of the negativity was drawn towards me. It was also aimed at Uranus and Holly, who I knew weren’t going to leave me to deal with tomorrow by myself. They would become next to me with my position that is so far down on the ladder that it’s not even on the ladder.

These thoughts were making me suffocated. I didn’t even need the blanket anymore because all this stress was causing me to actually sweat.

I wanted to scream and cry and shout at how unfair life was, but I knew I couldn’t because this was my entire fault. I started digging this inescapable hole since sophomore year. I’d finally reach the point that I couldn’t dig any longer and all the dirt I’d shovel through was starting to fall back in the hole… with me inside, burying me in years of being a horrible, mean, nasty bitch.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

And now that freaking ticking noise was back. I was freakin’ outside! Where the hell was that coming from?

“Rena, calm down.”

I was trying to, stupid voice in my head.


“What?” I nearly yelled and then realized that out of the bench, aggressively kicking the blanket, and Echo was standing right next to me with a hand on my shoulder. I looked at her face. She looked calm and collected… what I needed to be, but I couldn’t. “I-I can’t.”

“Stop thinking about it.”

What type of advice was that? I’ve been trying to do that. That’s why I dragged my ass out here in the first place. Nothing was working and I think was starting to go crazy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2014 ⏰

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