COC: (Lol . . . that sounds funny)
Serena's Wall Thingy:
-OMG she sat on Olivia.
-Well I think she's nice.
-Go kiss Uranus, Holly.
LOL. That's what Rena should have put after (probably) Holly's comment!Thanks to MEalyx for this highlariour response to Holly's nice comment. I could actually see
Rena do that for the sake of a "Uranus" joke.Chapter 25: Smuranus the Ogre
I groggily rubbed my eyes as I walked down my stairs. What’s with people ringing my doorbell in the morning on Saturdays? I silently prayed that it wasn’t Holly. I really couldn’t deal with her peppiness at this hour.
I looked through the peephole to see not Holly, but Uranus. . . . Oh, apparently the dirty side of my mind still works properly at this hour.
“What?” I growled, opening the door. I groaned slightly at the amount of sunlight that flooded into my house.
“You look awful,” Uranus said bluntly as he looked at my attire.
“Yeah, well your middle name is Uranus,” I retorted, widening the door so he could come in. “Why are you here? I’ve had enough of you this week.”
He rolled his eyes in response and glared at me. “Trust me. I’ve had enough of you too—I can’t get your awful piano-playing out of my head.”
“Yeah, I can’t get your awesome ones—never mind,” I stopped myself realizing that I was about to give him a compliment instead of an insult. “Why are you here?” I asked again, now annoyed that he ruined my sleep-in Saturday.
“I need your help. Sam is sick and I have no idea what to do. He’s with my aunt right now, but she has to go to work in ten minutes,” he explained, in slightly begging-tone.
Now I was a little more awake. My experience with childhood sickness was never pleasant. Kurt called me “Snotty Mcgee” and we never had any tissues at my house for some reason. And my parents always forced me to drink gross cough syrup. Plus, I missed Sam.
“Yeah, I’ll be there in twenty,” I promised and ushered him out of my house.
“Don’t get lost and start kicking lamp posts,” he muttered as he started to leave.
My face flushed remembering that night. “Don’t get hit by the door,” I warned evilly before slamming the door. Hopefully I hit him.
I looked briefly at the clock hanging on the living room wall- 9:30 and after groaning, I stomped up the stairs to get ready.
Once I put on some sweats and a warm hoodie on and brushed my teeth, I was set.
“Dad, Kurt, I’m going out!” I informed them as I went out of my room to the front door.
“Shut up, Rena! I’m trying to sleep!” Kurt whined as I went past his door.
“No, Kurt. You shut up or else I’ll tell Dad what you did to me at school!” I threatened, remembering that he was a part of Holly’s plan. I eventually forgave him and Holly for it, but it was fun blackmailing Kurt about it.
“Kurt, be nice to your sister!” my dad yelled from his bedroom.
“But she’s weird!” Kurt yelled back.
“Just go back to sleep!” my dad responded, now annoyed at all the yelling.
I rolled my eyes at my family’s weirdness and headed down the stairs and through my front door. I locked the door and headed to Uranus’ house.

Project Fat Suit
UmorismoSerena Davidson leads two lives. At school, she's a morbidly obese, stupid, nerdy, bitchy, slutty, and a teacher's pet. But at home she's the scrawny vegetarian pushover. What would possess someone to wear a fat suit every day? And what happens when...