Comment of the Chapter:
Do you know how many children I creepers out? And its all your fault.
So my opinion : Uranus and Serena together. Kurt and Holly. Aaaaaand Liam
the pedo with the little kid at the story.We all know that's what he wants ;) wink, wink.
Thank you Kinderegg for this, in my opinion, hilarious comment. I seriously dies when I read the Liam part, not that it's true (...yet).Chapter Nineteen: A Day at the Park
“RENAAAAAAAAA,” Kurt called my name for the 50th time in the last ten minute. He was on his ‘drunk on Dr. Pepper’ phase again.
I ignored him for the 49th time. The first time I replied, he told me that I looked like the Grinch, so not wanting to be insulted further, I’ve ignored him up to this point. But now I was watching Glee Kurt sing and real Kurt was interrupting the sound of his beautiful voice.
“What?!” I snapped at him.
Kurt giggled (yes, giggled) and looked at me stupidly. “Hi,” he replied and looked away. “That was from Family Guy,” he whispered to me after a second of me looking at him.
“Kurt, go take a nap or something,” I suggested as I contemplated what I’ve done in my life to get such a strange older brother.
“But I’m not sleepy!” Kurt whined like one of my daycare kids when I told them the same thing.
“Then go run around the house a few times,” I kidded, realizing that watching Glee with a drunk Kurt was futile.
“OKAY!” Kurt shouted in response and jumped from the couch. “Come on, Rena!”
Kurt pulled me up from the couch by my wrist and half-dragged me to the front door
“Wait—I didn’t mean—” I tried telling him I wasn’t up to this—I was in my fuzzy house shoes and pajamas for Pete’s sake!
“Come on, Rena. You’re getting fat. I mean you get fat every morning and then you deflate. It’s unhealthy,” drunk Kurt reasoned unreasonably with me as he opened the front door.
“Ready. Set. GO!” Kurt interrupted me once the front door was opened and the chilly after-Christmas breeze could be felt.
Without further warning, Kurt dashed out of the front door, yanking me out with him, and continued pulling me along as he ran… more like sprinted along the sidewalk.
“Kurt! I said AROUND the house. Not around the BLOCK,” I yelled angrily at him.
By the time we made it to the stop sign, I could hardly breathe. I mean Kurt was a midfielder on the varsity soccer team-of course he would run quickly, but me—I couch surfed occasionally.
“Kurt, slow-slow-the,” I gave up on trying to finish the command. I was going save my breath for this endless sprint.
“Look, Rena! It’s a hobo,” Kurt pointed out to me as we ran by a cat.
I rolled my eyes. Soda really messes up his head.
“Ooooo,” Kurt awed and came to a complete stop, making me crash into his back. He finally let go of my wrist and I immediately plopped down onto the ground in exhaustion, wheezing.
Even with the cold chill of December, I felt like I was in a fiery pit of hell. My legs… oh my gosh my legs. I can’t feel them. And my lungs are probably scorched. Nothing could possibly make me feel worse right now.

Project Fat Suit
HumorSerena Davidson leads two lives. At school, she's a morbidly obese, stupid, nerdy, bitchy, slutty, and a teacher's pet. But at home she's the scrawny vegetarian pushover. What would possess someone to wear a fat suit every day? And what happens when...