I was in a bad mood.
Sam had won my bed in a game of rock, paper, or scissors and I had to sleep on the cold, hard floor. So, instead of sleeping, I shivered and twisted and turned all night. And when I finally fell asleep, someone rang the door.
I assumed it was Uranus because I made Kurt call to tell him about Sam’s whereabouts yesterday and he said he’d pick him up in the morning. I didn’t think he meant at six in the morning. Inconsiderate asshole.
I slowly got up from the floor, muttering about how Uranus was stupid and made my way downstairs. As I approached the door, I could feel myself getting angrier.
Right now, I pretty much hate Uranus. I mean, who wouldn’t? He kept the fact that their parents were dead from Sam and turned it into a story about them going to the moon. Yeah sure, it was nice that Sam had a little bit of time in blissful ignorance, but then Uranus suddenly turns around and sucker-punches his sweet, innocent seven-year old brother into harsh reality just because his girlfriend didn’t love him back, or at least didn’t say it back.
The doorbell rang again and I clenched my fist. Impatient little asshole.
I irritably flung the door open.
Uranus was standing there with a guilty look on his face. I didn’t say anything. I just silently stepped to the side, gesturing for him to come in. I was afraid if I said anything, something that he didn’t know I knew would come out.
“I didn’t mean to…” Uranus started to say.
“Don’t. I don’t want to hear it,” I cut him off. “Stay here. I’ll go get him,” I said emotionlessly.
“Rena, just listen to me.”
“Why? So you can rip out my happiness and stomp on it too?” I asked coldly, turning around to look at him again.
“Holly doesn’t love me back,” he confessed, his lips sinking deeper into a frown.
“Yeah? Well, things don’t always work out, but that doesn’t mean you had to tell him like that,” I said bitterly.
“I was angry, okay? And it slipped out,” Uranus said, his voice rising a bit. Oh, so he was getting angry again.
“That’s your excuse?” I questioned incredulously. “You were angry. People get angry all the time, Uranus, but that doesn’t mean they go around punching little kids in the heart just because of some stupid relationship crap.”
I could see Uranus’s guilty look hardened into a stony composure. I could see him gritting his teeth.
“You’re such a hypocrite. How could you say that when you got angry and started spewing shit to Holly? People get angry, Serena, but that doesn’t mean they go around insulting someone like Holly because of their own stupidity,” Uranus mocked my words. “I get that you were upset at my grandma’s death, but you should have seen it coming,” he said acidly.
I clenched my fist. Did he just seriously bring that up? “Just like how you should have seen your relationship problems coming? I mean Holly’s a straight A student, student body president, head of the mathletes. Do you really think she could ever return the feelings of someone who’s barely passing physics?” I moment that left my mouth, I felt bad. But I couldn’t stop once I had started. Guilt bubbled within me when I saw Uranus’s now deflated look. “Uranus…”
When his eyes reached mine, I swear I could see fire. “I didn’t…I didn’t mean—“
“No, you’re right, Davidson. It’s almost like how I could never like a stupid, pathetic, attention whore, who lies on a daily basis,” Uranus told me venomously.

Project Fat Suit
HumorSerena Davidson leads two lives. At school, she's a morbidly obese, stupid, nerdy, bitchy, slutty, and a teacher's pet. But at home she's the scrawny vegetarian pushover. What would possess someone to wear a fat suit every day? And what happens when...